Building RISC OS Online at ROUGOL, Mon 16th Nov 2020
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The next meeting of the RISC OS User Group Of London (online) is: Building RISC OS Online, presented by Gerph Monday 16th November 2020, 7.45pm Online via Zoom, meeting open from 7.30pm After many years away, Gerph made a welcome return to the RISC OS world on the 1st April this year with JFPatch-as-a-service. But this was no April Fool, and he plans to develop it further into an online RISC OS build tool. JFPatch started life in 1995, when he needed a way to build modules easily without writing all that boilerplate. This was in the days when software could be downloaded from BBSs and email was genuinely newfangled. Jump forward 25 years, and cloud systems are everywhere and online applications give you everything you want. Running 25 year old software as a cloud service seems like it’s a bit of a niche area, but it hides some clever technology. Although the service itself was written in about 20 days, it builds upon a year’s work to get to that point. Gerph will talk about why he started doing RISC OS things again, quite a bit about how the service and front end works, and a little about how other people might use it. There will be a demonstration of the service and of the underlying technologies, and he will take questions from the talk afterwards. This meeting will be held online via Zoom. Please contact us to receive a link to the meeting on the day. |
Email was older than Gerph in 1995! |
Ha, yes, but not to most home users! I first used email at university in 1988 but wasn’t online at home until 1994 when I got the RiscPC and a Demon account. |
Tonight! Still time to contact us for the Zoom link :-) |
Wow, that was a jaw dropping presentation, amazing stuff. Brilliant work by Gerph. Slides are here – Video to follow later… |
You expected less?? :) If you haven’t read “RISC OS Rambles” do so, if you have read them again, and again. |
The two recent presentations from Jason with the Audio stuff and now Gerph with the …erm…everything stuff show a good way forward for future RISC OS development – use whatever technology and infrastructure that is available, no matter if it runs natively on RISC OS. Because the only thing that really matters is that the FINAL product runs on RISC OS. And that this final product is of higher quality than previously possible in the given – usually severely restricted – timeframe. Of course it took someone like Gerph to come up with a solution that provides such an impressive scope of…everything. Building, running, testing, SCM connection, CI/CD stuff… My only problem with Gerph’s presentation was/is that it will take me weeks to think all this stuff through, process my thoughts and ideas surrounding these topics (I have my own “development environment” using tools I know from day-to-day work to develop stuff for RISC OS, but it is very specific for my needs and not universally useful) and trying to think of quick wins I could achieve with the help of his environment. So much food for thought, so little time :-( |
From what I saw, a really good and professional presentation. I say what I saw, as those of you who have (or once had) small people will know – they have an innate ability to just know when you have something to do just after they normally go to sleep and decide that tonight is the time that sleep isn’t going to happen just yet. I am looking forward to watching it on catch-up (youtube). |
This. Very much this. |
When you (anyone) have read them (RO Rambles)1, think about the things he wanted to do then and how the developments in virtualisation etc have made even more possible in the intervening years so now you get a glimpse. I’m pleased to see Justin back again (with whatever name he wishes to use) Pyro: I wonder how close the system is to being able to build a full ROM. 1 Does everyone know the URL? |
Err – what can be done with this? |
Best to read all the info at Presented to a gobsmacked ROUGOL as in I just know you’re going to enjoy some of that Colin. |
Loved the bit where he showed using *FX0 output from Pyromanianc and it reported RISC OS 7.16 :-) As he said he wants to have fun and enjoy it and that made me smile as well. |
That’s a quite interesting question, and actually not one I have considered. You see, I’d be more interested in resurrecting the cross-compilation system rather than trying to build on Pyro – other than the fact that it would prove that the system is functional at the command line. Why? Well, it’s SO much faster building on even old x86 natively compared to building in Pyromaniac. I can’t speak for the modern RO systems ‘cos it’s been years and huge improvements in the systems, but back in 2005ish when I was building these things for Select, it was orders of magnitude faster. Even the early versions which would run the build scripts on an SA RPC and then BUT… The build system was essentially (and I may be misremembering this so forgive me if I’ve forgotten my old system, never mind how things work right now, and I’m looking at scripts I’ve not used in 15 years). 1. Checkout a full source tree So then we’re down to what the tools are and what works… Looking at what I’ve got here, it’s looking like I’ve got most of the tools present in the source tree, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they work. I haven’t tested I don’t have a working ‘squish’, so I suspect that BASIC programs compressed won’t work – my build process just copies files instead of doing anything special with them. I think squish was just a ‘load into BASIC and apply the CRUNCH settings’ or something, so maybe that’s not a problem. I’ve forgotten, but I /think/ I have some problems building things that go into making ColourPicker (the Support library, I think that is?) and Toolbox libraries ring a bell as being a problem. Ah, I’ve found what it was now. Toolbox modules require MethodGen to work in command line mode, and MethodGen itself isn’t written to be cross-compiler friendly, so I wrote a perl script that can do the source and header file generation. So that would work in the cross-compiling environment and the native environment, OR in RISC OS you could just use MethodGen directly. Probably MethodGen would be faster, as perl is quite slow. [Aside: The tboxmethods perl script is isolated and could probably be open source; I’d forgotten about it. Ah, yes, I was working on updating it so that it could be used to generate suitable headers and implementation files for python so that it could help with the Python 3 system – the last log entry on that says “It’s not quite right but it’s moving in the right direction”] I’ve not implemented the redirection yet, though – One bug/feature of Pyromaniac is that OS_Byte and OS_Word calls that aren’t supported raise errors. That’s a BAD THING for RISC OS really, because they’re pretty much guaranteed not to report errors, but it helps locate things that aren’t implemeted. Come to think of it, that’s actually an easy option to make configurable. But right now if anything hit an operation it didn’t like, bad things would happen. Oh, the SpritePool component would probably break because it uses a load of OS_SpriteOp calls to construct the sprite pool from the individual files. If it’s just the manipulation of the sprites themselves, it’d actually be quite simple to just implement those calls. For the environment, So… maybe it’d work mostly now, given the right tools. Maybe some small changes for the redirection case and sprite operations. It would be interesting to see what happened. The biggest issue for practical use is the speed. IF you only execute ARM code – a But if you wanted to just say ‘hey it works’, speed isn’t a factor. |
Judging by the length and depth of your answer you gave it more a minutes thought. The main reason for posing the question, which was more musing than anything else, was that a number of people have complained about a free Open Source OS with expensive development tools. Many of them arguing that the DDE should magically become free.
I believe that would still be the case. It might help if the OS actually used all the cores in the SoC instead of one
Start a conversation about libraries and when there’s two of three people talking about which are any good, and why half of what they really need isn’t there, just shuffle away quietly for a few weeks – the conversation/argument/gripe will still be going when you get back.
I know about enough to poke, prod, and minutely alter a module or two so building single modules as soft-loadable replacements isn’t going to tax any system in terms of speed. However, for those wanting a free method of building the OS, setting something running overnight probably won’t offend. I’m surprised you don’t have a Pi as a novelty interest. (I know, too many systems cluttering up the house already.) 1 Finalisation of 5.28 stable came before the Pi400 release and a couple of tweaks required to make things work. |
An interesting question deserves a worthwhile answer – and honestly I hadn’t considered whether it was possible and how far away it might be.
Free tools would benefit things significantly, but remember that those tools have already been made freely available – the RO3.7 image bundled with the Easy Start bundle incorporates those tools. I suspect there might be some performance implications, and you might need to trigger some of the Certainly the code that I build which uses a compiler which is approximately contemporary seems to work ok (‘seems to’ may not be good enough, but hey, that’s the way things go some times). The only real differences are the need to use
Building individual modules should be really simple. At least that’s what I’d expect. I’m meaning C modules here; objasm modules would be even less of an issue, because objasm hasn’t really changed. So, I’ve spent about 20 minutes or so trying out a further idea, and this is pretty half-baked because I’m just throwing around thoughts given your comments. Let’s say you want to run a build automatically and you want to do so in the cloud without resorting to the very slow system that is Pyromaniac… The RISC OS on Linux thingy seems like it does the job, but you can use RPCEmu, too. This is a simple scenario I just put together… You’re got a Linux system, with Docker installed. charles@laputa ~/projects/RO/example-run-rpc-build$ ls My!Boot,feb charles@laputa ~/projects/RO/example-run-rpc-build$ cat My\!Boot\,feb Spool $.Share.Log . spool Create $.Share.Complete charles@laputa ~/projects/RO/example-run-rpc-build$ rm -f Complete,ffd ; docker run --name Session$$ -v $PWD:/home/riscos/rpcemu/hostfs/Share -v $PWD/My\!Boot,feb:/home/riscos/rpcemu/hostfs/\!Boot/\!Run,feb --rm -p 5901:5901 gerph/rpcemu-3.7 & while [ ! -f Complete,ffd ] ; do sleep 1 ; done ; docker kill Session$$ [1] 17117 QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-riscos' PulseAudioService: pa_context_connect() failed Session16283 [1]+ Exit 137 docker run --name Session$$ -v $PWD:/home/riscos/rpcemu/hostfs/Share -v $PWD/My\!Boot,feb:/home/riscos/rpcemu/hostfs/\!Boot/\!Run,feb --rm -p 5901:5901 gerph/rpcemu-3.7 charles@laputa ~/projects/RO/example-run-rpc-build [2]$ ls Complete,ffd Log,ffd My!Boot,feb charles@laputa ~/projects/RO/example-run-rpc-build$ cat Log,ffd Dir. HostFS::HostFS.$ Option 02 (Run) CSD HostFS:"Unset" Lib. HostFS:"Unset" URD HostFS:"Unset" !Boot DWR/ AcornC_C++ DWR/ Apps DWR/ Diversions DWR/ Images DWR/ Library DWR/ Manuals DWR/ Network DWR/ PC DWR/ Printing DWR/ ReadMe-bundle/txt WR/ Replay DWR/ Share DWR/ SHManuals DWR/ Sound DWR/ Source DWR/ Tutorials DWR/ Utilities DWR/ Video DWR/ What does this do ?
Problems with this? Lack of error handling – you’ll hang if the Complete file doesn’t appear, and the log won’t be written properly unless you actually close the file with *Spool, so if you kill the docker process before it’s closed, you’ll lose logging data. This is an entirely distinct solution to Pyromaniac, using the hardware emulator as an example – and the RISC OS on Linux project can (I believe) do all in a better manner. But, it’s demonstrating that you can do some of this sort of running of the system on Linux already, and it doesn’t need any Python code :-D Actually, I think something like the above is what Chocky’s original automatied build system does. Although probably better. Sorry, huge digression.
I have a Pi in a box somewhere in a cupboard. I ran XBMC on it for a day or two and haven’t touched it since. It was a vague consideration to use a Pi for my testing purposes early on, and my comments from the talk omit other experiences running iPaqs as systems for testing on. Those were small systems, intended for running the SUT on a representative target hardware (‘an actual ARM device’), and if things went wrong, the machines had to be restarted automatically. We had a number of them, which if they failed, could be restarted and another would take its place until the failed machine either rebooted and reentered the pool or it never came back and would eventually be looked at by someone on site. Maintaining physical hardware was not a game I wanted to play. At least, not again :-) |
Ah, things tend to be a bit picky on the newest cores so if the code generated has alignment issues1 then things randomly go pop. There’s also the deprecation of the SWP instruction – again on ARMv7+ things go pop because of that. UnixLib needed a cleanup.
C. I have this mental block I’m trying to find the time to get past… 1 StrongARM was quite gentle and even the XScale was relatively forgiving, but the OMAP3 bit a little. |
Ghibli fan, by any chance? ;-)
As did the Pi2 with a much stricter implementation of the ARMv7 core. Shouldn’t be a problem with compiled code, but there’s an awful lot of assembler floating around, and being written by mere mortals, can include some silly things like writeback to the register you’re reading, which the Pi2 rejects as an invalid instruction. Well, technically it is, but it’s still a pain when stuff randomly falls over and one has to rummage around with Debugger to figure out why.
I got myself a big “teach yourself C in 21 days” style book back in the early ‘90s, and used it alongside TurboC++ with PCEm. Didn’t bother with the DDE or RISC OS complier until things started to make sense. These days, similar book comes with CD containing a compiler and examples, aimed at the XP era machines. Look for ISBN 978-0672324482 on your bookseller of choice and pick up a second hand copy for yourself. And, take it from me, while C and BASIC are both procedural languages, that’s about where the similaires end. It does not help to think about what the C code is doing and how you might express the same thing in BASIC. I never really ‘got’ C until I learned to let go of BASIC and think only in C. |
JFDI. Just Do It. |
I’ll get there. Took me years to even twiddle with ARM assembler. I really don’t know why. Anyway, back on track. |
Whilst I like Ghibli, it’s actually a reference to Gulliver’s Travels; same reasoning though. Back when I worked for Bromium, the Macs we tested on were named after cities. They were all MacMini’s, and were sat in the server room. But we introduced a MacBookPro for testing, because laptops are different to the MacMinis. It needed a name and since it was a laptop, I named it Laputa because it can move – it’s a Flying City :-) And when they made our team redundant they gave us a generous package which included our laptops. Bromium got bought by HP last year, so the redundancies meant that the company survived till then, and my friends still had jobs, and I had decent package and a laptop. So I ended up with it, and I like the name. |
Here’s me thinking it was Dr. Strangelove. Kong’s plane’s primary target is an ICBM complex at Laputa. |
Probably a combination of borrowing from other literature and/or a joke name. Drop a space in before the “p” |
Indeed! |
The recording of Gerph’s inspiring talk is now available: I highly recommend it to everyone! |
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