WaitUntil updated
WaitUntil 2.07 is now available WaitUntil provides a means to provide a conditional pause to Obey files, while the RISC OS system continues to operate as normal until the condition has been satisfied. When the program is called, it runs as any other multitasking program, only doesn’t open any windows or put any icons on the icon bar. It simply becomes part of the multitasking environment, checking to see if the specified condition is satisfied each time it has control passed back to it. Those conditions can include whether or not a file exists, or has been opened or closed, whether a given system variable has been set, whether a particular application is running (or has been quit). Another option is to simply hold up the Obey file for a specified amount of time. Once the condition has been met (or if it is met right at the outset), the program quits, and execution of the Obey file continues. The version that has been available to download until now has not been kept up to date with the development version, which has only been released to selected people. Updates leading up to version 2.07 include the addition of two further command line switches, one to announce the program’s version number, and one to specify the ‘idle’ time used when relinquishing control to the Wimp, along with various changes under the bonnet. This version also brings with it a change to the licence terms. If you wish to distribute WaitUntil as part of a project of your own, you are now able to do so without seeking permission. Download it from the Soft Rock Software website. It will also become available from PlingStore shortly. |