"Git source control client" bounty is now underway
See here for more info. |
Hooray! I am very much looking forward to this. I tried !SimpleGit yesterday to suck down the ArcardBBS repository from GitHub. It barfed with a packet read error after a few files, and didso repeatedly and consistently on the same file at each attempt. I haven’t had the opportunity to do any further analysis of the problem, but there doesn’t appear to be anything special about the file it is complaining about. (!ArcServer/Menu/data/cryton/.f if anyone is interested.) |
It’s to do with the default UnixLib filename translation. See the SimpleGit !Help file. After typing the following command in a task window an sgit clone completes.
Aha. Worked perfectly, thanks! I had slavishly copied the suggested setting of UnixEnv$sgit$sfix from !Help:
That initial lower-case f was subtle, but fatal. So what it was doing, I imagine, was seeing a file ending in “.f”, removing the suffix, and ending up with no filename left. It was understandably upset by this. |
Are we confirmed on supporting ,xxx filetypes for compatibility with existing RISC OS repos which have been checked in from other machines? i.e. Not some other sort of meta data store or mapping? |
Hmm… Just when I’ve just worked out a way to work with git – the most complicated method in the history of git. Orange pi pc + external ssd running armbian headless. Because the files are created on an armx6 but saved over lanmanfs the files get ,xxx added where necessary so the committed files are in the same format as the rool sources. Phew. So I second David’s request for compatability with ROOL sources. |