MoreDesk and Moan released as Free Open Source Software
Hi all. I’ve chosen to publish the powerful virtual desktop manager (and more) MoreDesk and the desktop card game for up to four players Moan under the Open Source CDDL v1.0. I’ve not yet got around to publishing their sources yet (in violation of the licence!) but hope to get around to it at some point soon(ish). I hope these applications find some renewed love now that they are free! |
Thanks Steve :) |
I think MoreDesk is the sort of thing that ought to be merged into the OS. Perhaps you could have a conversation with one of the members of ROOL about doing just that?1 :) 1 Cosy chat over a small(ish) drink. Being at home it attracts less attention than doing the same thing in a pub. |
Many thanks for this Steve! |
Glad you guys like it! I had a word with myself over a drink and agreed that having it in the default disc image might be a good idea… :) |
Moredesk – defo in the top ten must-have riscos programs of all time. |