New Website for my Risc OS Programs
Graeme (8815) 106 posts |
Eventually, I’ve created a website where you can download some of my programs. All written for fun. After frustration with zip files having the wrong filetypes, I wrote DOS2RO: DOS2RO can change files, directories or applications between Risc OS and DOS names and types. It can change “Text,fff” to “Text” of filetype FFF and back. This can also create a !Fix file that can be saved beside the application or inside it. A !Fix file is an obey file that will correct the filetypes and names for Risc OS to use. If FireUp is running, a !Fix file can be run without setting the type of the !Fix file if it was created with DOS2RO. !Fix files allow you to distribute your applications where the user can set all filetypes by setting the !Fix file to Obey type and running that one file. === FireUp creates an icon on the bottom left of your iconbar. A little like a start menu that shows known applications. The known list of applications and filetype names all save when closing. === ARMEnc decodes ARM instructions by clicking on the zeros and ones to see what changes happen. Different menus appear on the main menu depending on if you menu click on the zero and ones line or elsewhere. === ACE: This is my module that emulates the SDIV and UDIV commands to processors that do not normally have these instructions. ACE stands for ARM Computer Emulator, in case you were wondering! These can all be downloaded free at: |
David Feugey (2125) 2709 posts |
Hum hum, would ACE could be the of a tool that could emulate the missing SWP instruction on Pi3, Pi4? |
Graeme (8815) 106 posts |
I am currently doing an almost rewrite of this module to improve it. The future version will be slightly less efficient but will allow much easier addition of instructions. This is now at the stage of testing for SDIV and UDIV instructions to make sure results are as expected. Once completed, other instructions should be easier to add. The SWP instruction may be possible to add although being atomic this may create some issues I may need to address. I’ll ask some questions in another thread and see what advice I get. Oh, I’ve also been doing this on RPCEmu since my TV is very broken. I have a replacement that I may be able to use with my Raspberry Pi 4 but the SWP instruction cannot be “caught” and tested in RPCEmu as it is a real instruction on the Risc PC so I’ll need to get the newer TV/RPi 4 set up first. |