Eureka Spreadsheet Macros
G’day folks… Some of us on the other side are still using Eureka, and recently I was asked a question about it and I don’t know the answer. Were there ever any tutorial document about writing Macros in Eureka? If not, apart from myself and one other person I know of, are there any Thanks |
There was Chris Wragg’s article in Archive volume 12 issue 12, but that was an introduction to the subject and didn’t go into too much depth. I don’t know of any online resources, sorry. |
Mmnnn! I disposed of the many volumes I had of Archive some years ago when we downsized. I think an intro is what’s needed by the OP. Thanks for the thought. Dave |
Macros article – speak nicely to Jim Nagel and he’ll probably give you a copy of that article and any other that matches. 32 bit version – as Colin said back then
Given he’s not shy about beating these things into submission and further discussion touched on the subject of the source being lost I think an update is a forlorn hope. |
I also posted the question on c.s.a.apps and Bernard Boase replied today with an example, so I was able to send it to my friend (On whose behalf I asked). So thanks Bernard. Dave |