Silent Pi
I can get no sound from my RasPi, either from the audio jack or via the HDMI lead plugged into my telly. Help! |
Take a look at and possibly – several people reporting similar problems and some solutions. |
I did a fairly thorough search on both forums before posting and neither of these threads seems relevant since both appear to be connected with the presence of an HDMI to VGA adapter, which is not the case here. As I said, the HDMI lead goes straight to my TV. |
Hmm, then we’re already out of my knowledge base. I haven’t had any problem so far, though it certainly takes some effort to get the plug for my iPhone earbuds into the jack. It couldn’t be something as simple as not getting the plug all the way in? |
No – right up to the taters. See my more-detailed reply in the “No Sound on Raspberry Pi” thread in the “Porting RISC OS” section (where I initially posted). Prolly, the resulting screen effect is covered elsewhere, but I dunno – I haven’t looked yet – but it’s getting to be a joke. |
UPDATE: Adding “hdmi_group=1” as well as " hdmi_drive=2" to the CONFIG.TX file has cured both the sound problem and the screen overshoot, but given rise to a new problem! Whenever the mouse approaches a screen edge or whenever a window is raised, the screen brightness, esp. on the rhs side changes – it increases. So more experiments are in order. |