Raspberry Pi 400 Network
I have entered various values into the set up for Networks on my new Pi 400 but now get a message on startup as follows :- Message from Desktop Machine startup has not completed: add net default gateway File exists’ Cancel or Retry. |
If you selected DHCP the ‘Gateway’ needs to be blank. You can share the Rpi400 disk with the following command. It should then ‘show up’ in Virtual Risc PC. *share SDFS::HardDisc0.$ rpi400 |
Regarding attaching hard drives via USB… Are you sure the Pi is providing enough power for the drive? SSD drives are usually OK but you can get messages like those you’ve quoted if you use a spinning disc which is underpowered. |
Transferring via a USB stick should work, but what format does the stick have? If it’s an MS DOS format then you may need FAT32FS running on RISC OS to cope with newer and bigger sticks. I don’t know whether it’s supplied and run by default these days. |