LanMan (Omni) and Huawei tablet
In addition to my RISC OS machine(s), I have a Huawei tablet (Android). Usually I have transferred files via the intermediary of OmniClient (LanMan) and a RPi running Linux, which the tablet can “see” with its Filer app over the network. Recently, though, I have realised that the Huawei Share facility actually runs a SMB server acting over a 10 minute countdown slot as well as its primary function of allowing Bluetooth transfer between Huawei devices. Thus it should be able to communicate directly using LanMan. It doesn’t seem to allow a simple GUEST facility, but it is easy enough to set a username, server name and password, as it is a name for the connection. What causes me difficulty is the entry for Directory path. Entering nothing results in on attempting to mount: Bad parameters whilst entering “/” results in: Share name does not exist Files are supposed to arrive in a SD card folder called “Huawei Share”, it is hinted in part of the “Help”, but trying that with a space, a hard space, and with and without a preceding and trailing slash all seem to give the same error! Any suggestions? |
I have a similar problem when trying to access the root of my new QNAP NAS. Whatever I enter in the Directory path (/ , \ , $ , DataVol11), does indeed result in ‘Share name does not exist’. However when I enter one of the directory names that exist in the root (such as Home, Web, Multimedia etc.) I immediately get access to that directory. I therefore have to define 9 mounts in order to have access to the entire NAS. Windows, damn, shows the root without any problem. How do we achieve that with LanMan98? 1 DataVol1 seems to be the root name that is used by the NAS itself. |
Thanks, Paul. FTP gives the SD card files as: so 3339-3363 is how it identifies the SD storage, but the above, and using Huawei Share in both its incantations with or without “storage/” gives the same “Share does not exist” message. The device does have a name, but I over-rode that with my own name and password in this context, so will have to find it again somewhere else! Thank you very much for your suggestions, though, and I shall post any magic solutions I find – if I do! In general, I want to use SMB because it’s a solution which cancels itself after a period, thus saving battery drain due to forgetting it’s on. FTP works, but the Android server is power hungry and easily forgotten about! I can use Samba server to put stuff on a memory stick in the router which the tablet can find, but downloading from there is unreliable and often stalls, whereas the LanMan-to-Linux intermediary works fine – just too many steps! |