Disabling Energy Efficient Ethernet on Raspberry Pi 400
Silas S. Brown (8706) 4 posts |
Hi, I have a Raspberry Pi 400 and the Ethernet keeps “freezing up” for about a minute at a time, which is rather disruptive to SSH sessions in Nettle. When booted into Linux I can work around the “freeze-ups” by entering the Linux command to disable energy efficient ethernet, sudo ethtool -set-eee eth0 eee offso I’m wondering how to do the same thing in RISC OS. Could there be a star command or SWI for this? Or might it be possible to add this to the wish list of the Broadcom network driver? Thanks. |
Chris C. (2322) 197 posts |
Have you tried setting dtparam=eee-off in config.txt? |
Silas S. Brown (8706) 4 posts |
Thanks, yes I tried putting dtparam=eee-off into the [pi4] section of config.txt in !Boot.Loader (and restarted) but the network problem persisted. |
David J. Ruck (33) 1635 posts |
Don’t try software work arounds before you have checked your caballing and router. Use netstat -ion Linux or *inetstat -ion RISC OS to check the number of errors the network stack has detected. Check what the router is reporting at its end. |
Silas S. Brown (8706) 4 posts |
Thanks, well it’s widely reported that there’s a known problem with some Pi4 boards that can be worked around by turning off eee, and on my Pi400 turning off eee in Linux makes the notwork-pauses go away in Linux, so it seems likely that I have one of the affected boards and I need to find out how to turn off eee in RISC OS. *inetstat -i is saying 0 errors even after the pauses (but if I run it during one of the pauses then it takes many seconds to print its IP address). |