Who likes manga?
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Manga 0.31 works fine for me! (still Pi0, RO5.24) |
Is it just me, or has CloudFlare broken MangaReader.net? It seems to drop the ball partway through fetching stuff (after the transfer speed descends to zero with each block received). It’s not much better using a browser, fetching a page of Azumi (in Firefox) did work, but it took a shade under a minute… |
Seems OK for me. I’m still on 0.27 but everything seems to be behaving itself. |
Maybe it’s a geographical issue? Maybe Cloudflare’s CDN is shonkier than normal? Maybe they don’t like Frenchies? Who knows? But the number of times Manga was freezing drove me crazy). Twice, because when TaskKilled, it would leave open incomplete files. Grrr… So I did something about it. But you’ll need to use SecureSockets (for now) as AcornSSL doesn’t work (for me) in non-blocking mode. Update will be offered by Manga, or you can get it from http://heyrick.ddns.net/manga/ There’s an !!ReadFirst file that explains the issue. I’ll quote that below as it makes more sense than the entries in the Versions file…
Just to clarify something – Manga has three fetchers built in. The first is http, not important. The second is AcornSSL. This has not been modified – no point as it’s blocking. The third is SecureSockets. This is the one that has been modified to support the above features. I hope to poke around (Real Soon Now™) and see if I can work out what’s happening with AcornSSL’s non-blocking and why it is returning gibberish error messages. |
If you like, you could ping and see what sort of response time you get. |
Updated to v0.33 – in the usual place and on !Store.
Is there a way to stop the ‘loading in progress’ sound? |
Patience? ;-) If you mean the beep that happens when you click on the main window when it is still doing a fetch, then there is no official way to disable the beep. Unofficially, however…
For any other versions:
Now, to silence all Manga beeps that aren’t Wimp_ReportError beeps, make the XOS_WriteI+7 call be a NOP. To silence only the beep if clicking while a fetch is in progress, arrow left to go back to the BL instruction in main_clickhandler and make that BL instruction be a NOP. Job done. :-) |
0.33 works fine here. OTOH my net connection is so slow I hadn’t noticed mangareader being slow themselves. |
:) I’m not sure it works like this, but please check if ‘double right’ will not go from page x to page x+2. when page x+1 doesn’t come, I tend to press keys several times. |
Quick note to say there’s “work in progress”, however I’ve made an interim release for people to test. It ought to show up when you start Manga, or pop over to http://heyrick.ddns.net/manga/
Let me know how you get on. |
Did mangareader change their site? pi2/RO5.24 |
never mind |
Using Manga today, I encountered a 301 error. Turns out, after all the effort getting SSL working nicely (first SecureSockets, then AcornSSL) that MangaReader have thrown in the towel and are now using bog-standard boring HTTP. Where’s nemo when you need him? I want to know the &#blah; code for the FACEPALM emoji… So I’ve amended Manga to use plain HTTP instead of HTTPS. Anyway, it’s version 0.41 and you can get it from !Store or from my private server (if Manga didn’t prompt you itself): http://heyrick.ddns.net/manga/ |
Not that I’m begrudging it, it was fun in a my-brain-hurts kind of way. But I’m weird like that. I especially like that, with the URL fetcher, that all I needed to do was botch the “https://” links to be “http://” links, and the fetcher takes care of the rest. That’s why the AcornSSL stuff works, while the SecureSockets stuff doesn’t. ;-) |
Odd they’re going in the opposite direction to the rest of the world. Indeed Firefox plan to turn off TLS 1.0 next month and the article includes a graph showing the vanishingly small number of sites still using SSL, which can be cracked using a Tandy calculator watch (pretty much). |
Manga 0.41 works fine for me! (Pi2, RO5.24) Thanks Rick!!!! :-) |
Well that should produce a few bleats from a few medical equipment suppliers who can’t get the certificates right never mind the fact that some think SSL3 is still a good idea. At least with a site that is only HTTP you know the link isn’t secure and never could be. 1 https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=lmm-nl-prod.medtronic.com 2 Their opinion. My colleague said something quite unrepeatable, which understandable because what they are doing is running in circles to avoid adding the URL to the certificate on this https://www.medtronic.com and then using that certificate |
Thanks for the feedback Willard. I have been rummaging and have a list now of loads of little fixes and corrections to apply when I have both time and concentration.
It’s basically piracy 1 so maybe whoever supplied their certificate said “nope”. They don’t appear to have a blog and a few Google searches didn’t turn up anything, so no idea why they have gone back to plain http. I did note, in trying to track down the origin of the https links I’m having to fix, that it is specified that way in all of the page image links. Trying to fetch it will perform a redirect to the non-SSL version. I wonder if they just forgot to fix that (it looks auto generated) or if something else happened?
Except that when we say “SSL” we generally mean “would be shown with a padlock icon on smarter browsers” without respect to what the underlying protocol actually is. ;-) 1 These sorts of sites generally do take down manga that is licenced for sale in the US (eventually), but for a lot of it (especially the less well known titles) it is a strange grey area for many manga that are fan translated into English but are never properly translated and released commercially; so technically it is against copyright but on the other hand there’s not exactly any financial loss either. |
Thank you for the awesome app! :-) |
Version 0.42 adds a bunch of tweaks and fixes and enhancements. Usual places… |
Spent the afternoon playing around with some simple image scaling code. You see, the JPEG plotter is utterly braindead when it comes to plotting a scaled image, it’ll just skip unwanted pixels.
It’s page 2 of Have You Seen Me?. Currently, the value of a pixel is determined as follows:
If I miss out the second and third steps, the result is the same as the JPEG plotter. With them, it’s better looking. Don’t know if it’ll ever be implemented, as it requires huge amounts of memory (3½MiB for the original of that image and 2½ for the scaled version, or ~6MiB in total). It was just something to do to pass the time. ;-) Edit: Taking into account the pixel above and the pixel below doesn’t seem to have made any obvious difference… |
Version 0.43 now available. It improves the UTF-8/entity parsing to support a lot more including weirdness like Software itself, the usual places. Now off to eat a homebrew pizza and watch more Spectros. |
When I try to start !Manga it complains that it cannot find Resources:$.Resources.URL.AcornSSL.StartDAS. I had not heard of this file before. Where does one get it from? Using RO 5.24 on a Rpi3B+. |
Never heard of that before. Must be something AcornSSL does, it isn’t Manga. I’d ask you what version of AcornSSL you’re using, but since there seems to be inexplicable resistance to giving different module incarnations different version numbers, I won’t bother… If I’m awake enough when I get home, I’ll poke around and see if StartDAS exists on my system and if/what/how it gets put there. Usually a module registers its resources at initialisation. |
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