Gorillas in a web browser
David Williams (2619) 103 posts |
Richard Russell recently ported my old (2012) game ‘Gorillas’, written BBC BASIC for Windows, to his multi-platform BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 and the WebAssembly-based inline-browser version of BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0. Here is a video of Gorillas being played (by me) in Google’s Chrome browser on a Core-i7-based Win10 desktop PC: (Please watch in 720p if you can.) Wonderful isn’t it — I mean, how a heavily graphical BBC BASIC program runs so well in a web browser? I think what Richard has achieved here is bloody fantastic. You can try this browser-based Gorillas game yourself by clicking the following link (needs a fast system, and may not work on some browser/OS combinations): http://tinyurl.com/bbcgorillas David. |
Richard Russell (1920) 95 posts |
As I’ve said elsewhere, you deserve much of the credit for writing such a well-structured and clearly-documented program in the first place. Converting it really was a pleasure, and actually wasn’t a lot of work at all (I had it mostly done in less than a day). One never knows how well a conversion such as this is going to run, but I was pleasantly surprised (especially that it even runs at close to full frame rate in Chrome for Android). |