AI Companion for Zoom
There is a relatively new feature for Zoom meetings which I tried out today. In addition to the summaries it keeps track of action items and answers questions about things said in the meeeting. The summary was sent to me by email when the meeting ended. It consists of 1250 words and is divided into 7 topics areas. Although there are some errors of understanding in the text it is a very fair summary of our meandering 1 hour informal meeting. The summary could be useful for meeting organisers to send out to people who are unable to attend. I will be looking at it to help with minutes of formal meetings. Is using AI to record history just another step on the road to SkyNet? |
Well, there’s now a record of exactly (within the limits of its understanding) what was said. The original (and maybe yours, you don’t say) will also have been tagged with who said it. A “useful little service” for you.
What sort of formal meetings? If I was running a company I’d be very likely to want to take such meetings offline. Company “secrets” should remain within the company, and not be spewed god knows where in the cloud. 1 Only the management have work email. The rest of us have to provide our own. 2 Just because an outfit says they are compliant doesn’t absolve the employer (as the data controller) from auditing this to verify it is correct. CNIL (French DPA) goes as far as to specify that “bon volonté” (but they said so) is not an acceptable excuse. |
Well they are not very formal. We (IBM Retiree Club Midlands) run a Zoom meeting every Monday morning. It is just old IBMers chatting about past glories, unit record machines, card punches and the like. A bit like Aldershot really. The meetings are open to anyone remotely connected to IBM and have been going for four years. Once a month the meeting is declared formal and minutes are taken. The committee meeting is tasked with organising events and trips for the members. People at the meeting were alerted to the fact that the meeting was being recorded. We discussed the matter and AI Companion duly sumarized the discussion as follows:-