Online Safety
This should probably be in Aldershot… so… clicky-clicky…
Seems to be 16, except when it is 17.
But this shouldn’t be relevant – sexual imagery around here is of circuit boards, not humans. ;)
Better parenting? That being said, it very much depends upon the level of daft.
I would say that moderation is reactive, that is to say that certain people can erase unwanted messages, but they need to be posted first.
You’re a lawyer? |
When the age is 18 (+) they might fall into the vulnerable adult category – which is larger than you think if you look There isn’t really an age limit if a person is in a position of vulnerability. |
That’s not a nice thing to say to anyone, unless they are, and you’re questioning their reasons for being one. |
Very much on the lines of “just look at the CPUs on that” |
why have we started a new thread? |
Because this more off topic content is |
Well, um… (c) impairment in a person’s ability to protect himself from assault, abuse or neglect Is the blatant sexism there 1 an attempt to gloss over the fact that huge swathes of the other gender may well fall into that category by virtue of, well, physique? 1 It would not have been hard to write “themselves” instead of “himself”, now, would it? |
Person A is in a position of authority/control over person B – person B is a potential abuse victim.
More likely to have been an instance of G.S. (as opposed to A.I) |
I personally feel like Announcements was the appropriate place, as ROOL are going to have to address and conform to the new changes. and i meant new thread in the sense Online Safety in Aldershot is listed twice here: and now this one. |
Um… Why are there two of them? I made one… which was the other one (as that’s what the announcements post was linked to) but it seems people have posted here instead. I’ll edit the link to point here, we should probably carry on in one thread and not the other else it’ll just get a bit weird. |
I did wonder if you noticed, which is why i questioned 2 threads lol, all good! |
I think that would be a great loss as it’s a place for discussion about many things RISC OS as well as help and support, and nemo showing off all the things we don’t have. ;) Aside from this, currently going on is discussion about how best to implement 64 bit integers in BASIC. It’s something we’re going to have to address.
Yes, because a closed walled garden with no RISC OS client is a great step forward… Hmm, I wonder if the ChatCube guys are aware of this nonsense? |
Chatcube is barely used, i am on there, but its a ghost town, something else that is lacking is a good chat client, or at least chatcube updates, as cloverleaf seemed to have abandoned it. |
pre-moderated comments is one way around it, basically nothing is posted until approved but adds a huge man power overhead, and reduces the reponsiveness of replies. |
The Haiku OS project are looking to basically Geoblock all UK IP addresses in March, and their vierw is if people use VPN to circumvent that’s not their problem. |
In other news (this being Aldershot so wildly off-topic replies are not only permitted, but almost encouraged), I’m currently using an aarch64 Mac (M1) to run CrossOver (i.e. WINE) which is executing the RPCEmu quick-start build which is x32 code, and in turn that is emulating aarch32. It’s quite slow, but NetSurf etc. is usable – this was the only way I was able to get working RISC OS networking, after trying and failing to get it going on the Mac native build on this particular machine (might be macOS 15.3 issues). Then I tried Otter Browser, since that’s in there. It is a good reminder of how incredibly, spectacularly slow modern software is. Otter is lightweight by today’s standards, using Qt which some proponents would these days argue is “blazing fast”. Ignoring the length of time it takes to launch, I was able to type in a URL at a rate of about one character every half second and even basic things like moving the window are really, really slow. That’s not to say that the Otter port isn’t awesome and using hardware, or even a sane software emulation solution, it’d run smoothly. I’m getting ARM-2-or-3-ish era performance with this unusual emulation arrangement, so expectations should be adjusted accordingly! It’s more a question of the comparison. This is a nice little reminder of how incredibly fast RISC OS and its applications are, as well as a reminder of what an extraordinary achievement NetSurf is. Surprisingly, NetSurf’s rendering is actually more accurate than Otter – I don’t think Otter supports flexbox. (Yes, I did also run the BBC emulator so that the Mac host emulating a Windows environment which was emulating a RISC OS environment then emulated a 6502 environment. And that ran quickly!) |
Of the OSA:
It strikes me that anything relating to the whole of RISC OS (which is code provided from the site) is exempt, and associated applications/utilities similarly, but less so. x86 stuff, is, as we always knew, teetering on the brink of the fiery pits I would suggest that references to bare metal might be inviting a bit of a roasting. :) |
No references to “Radicalisation” as bad? BTW. Thanks to the combination of the H&S and the Handling & Moving, and others, I know that if I see a person falling I need to stand back and watch and then call for properly trained staff to deal with the situation. There is also (optional) Assertiveness Training – but for some reason no one wants me to do that one ;) |
Thanks to you all for bringing this to our attention. ROOL already has a plan in place and we hope that the updated website that was announced over in the Announcements Forum will introduce some adjustments as a result. There are a few other things that will follow up over the coming months, such as that IP address issue that was highlighted in the forum thread. |
Hopefully a little less nuclear than Haiku. ;) |
Have the child and the phone on opposite sides of the door. |
Install an app that delivers an electric shock after a time limit. It might require a hadware mod. |