Programming IDE for RISC OS (CodeCube Cloverleaf project)
And between multiple programs?
Elitist twaddle. That’s like saying everybody who owns a car should be a mechanic.
Of course. Because they are trying to simplify things for the programmer. Look, I know that “frameworks” is a personal beserk button that causes you to want to inflict random suffered upon yourself, however I would like to ask you some questions:
Just some examples off the top of my head. The sorts of things people would expect. If you point them at sockets and Wimp_GetRectangle, they’ll run away screaming “what the fu……!!!!”.
Sadly, I know you’re being serious. You’re also being delusional.
Something that is quite clear from reading your messages on this topic is that you don’t have the faintest clue about how people write software in the twenty first century. No, nobody wants to be saddled staring at a pile of incomprehensible gibberish. They want their debugger to stop with the faulty line highlighted. Some things can be determined easily enough, like if Us grey haired gits that grew up in the ‘70s and ’80s (hands up if you can name the 6502 NOP opcode hex value without looking it up) grew up with PEEK and POKE and exposure to the low level innards of the machine. These days it’s quite different. Consider an Android app. It’s basically Java. So you have a source, and you have a semi-compiled object. And the time when you hit anything that can be expressed in assembler is when the app gets “installed” on the end user’s machine. I would imagine a rather large sample of modern young programmers couldn’t tell x86 code from ARM code. And why should they, if they have a development environment where debugging doesn’t require the ridiculous steps of mentally translating the source into executable, to then match up what’s actually running with the source. I shouldn’t have to know assembly to debug C.
That solves the problems that you can see. It doesn’t solve all the problems of things that you’d know about if you used an environment from this century…
Need not, or can not? Like that thing where it generates a bit of MakeFile to build each target in turn? You don’t need that. You need to set up what to do with “c” files and “s” files, and then just give it a list of such and let it get on with it.
Oh, you mean that directory called “old”, or maybe it’s that one called “older”, or possibly that one called “old2”? ;-)
Python. I don’t know Python, and I don’t really have interest in learning, but I do know that it is pretty ubiquitous. You can run it under Windows, Linux, on a smartphone/tablet (well, Android at least, abilities may vary on iPhone/iPad due to Control Freakism), etc etc. Any system-specific language arbitrarily restricts one to that system (yes, there’s BASIC for Windows and the Brandy interpreter, but these aren’t the same).
Oh my god – only teach C to a kid who already has some idea about how to program. You don’t start off with C. There’s just way to much bizarre crap kicking around the language!
This. All of this. The entire freakin’ paragraph. |
I’ve been thinking about this all day. There has already been excessive verbiage on this thread, so I will be uncharacteristically brief1. The stress of doing this may cause me to explode2. Almost all of my professional programming career (three decades of it, so not as many as some of you) has been in a unix/linux environment, and most of that has been deep system development rather than using X. In that environment, I am very happy using lots and lots of terminals running vim, various command-line utilities, and whatnot. On the rare occasions where I have had to create a GUI, I’ve used an IDE (QT Creator is my preferred one) for only the GUI bits, and continue to work in vim for the rest of the code. I know vim back to front3 and upside down4, and have used vi and vim basically since forever. Using an IDE in this environment only ever serves to slow me down because I know how to use vim. A few years ago I started, grudgingly and with very bad grace, to write some WIN32 code. Didn’t want to. Still hate doing it. I used Visual Studio for the GUI bits of this, but as vim is actively developed for Windows, I could still resort to my beloved editor. Now I’m returning to RISC OS, but from a programming perspective I’m pretty much a newbie. I know that vim is available, but as I understand it, it is about 15 years out of date (please correct me if I’m wrong). Still, it’s usable. But writing code for RISC OS is very different to writing code for Windows, is very different to writing code for *n*x. And it’s a hobby. I’m not going to have the time or patience to learn how to do clever things with the WIMP. (Who knows, maybe in another ten years?) Writing code on and for RISC OS at the moment is daunting, and feels like a chore and a burden. (This is about me; I’m not commenting on the preferences of those people who have been writing code for RISC OS for many years, and who know it inside out.) An IDE which can integrate version control and debugging at the source language level, and which can hide the complexities of writing WIMP code (unless I specifically want to see it) is going to make me much more likely to spend my scant hours of rest and relaxation playing around with RISC OS. Who knows? I might write some code which someone finds useful. I feel reasonably confident in stating that I’m not the only (relative) newcomer to RISC OS who feels this way. 1 I lied. 3 miv. 4 ɯᴉʌ or ʌᴉɯ, depending on the axis of rotation. 5 Ah, so there needs to be a newline between footnotes, does there? Tricksy. |
@DavidS, Like a RISC OS editor that has code folding? Who else but you is strongly against a good IDE? I will make you an offer. If you can provide me with a useful app I will pay But remember that I only use modern RISC OS machines and am a mere user. |
+1 At work (when actually in there) I have heard, oh so many times, the derision from some of the 2nd line support staff of our users. There are two points to note:
Some people deride BASIC, and when I consider the versions of BASIC I’ve seen on other platforms I can understand. BBC BASIC has always been one to make structured programs easy. Having tools to single step that, and possibly other languages would make visualising the program flow easier for many. The tools should not only be easy to use by all including beginners, they should especially be usable by beginners.
I find it especially entertaining to be reminded by recent discussions that if you haven’t created certain directories for temporary and intermediate files to build into the compiler will helpfully error out with a fairly cryptic error rather than create the missing directory. So, simple to use and intuitive. 1 Including some loud conversationalists in the workshop outside our office. Dunning – Kruger and all that. 2 Apparently sitting there after discovering what it specifically wanted and saying “if you need the friggin directory for temporary scribblings then create the f’in thing” is not professional even if it does reduce stress. |
I am completely with you on this, Rick. We can make things easier to think about by hiding their complexity. An important aspect of programming is that it is not just about humans telling computers what to do, it is also, perhaps more crucially, about humans telling other humans about what they really mean. Simplicity is an illusion – a useful one. We like mechanisms when we can encompass them in our heads. In the early days of computing it was all about algorithms (50 years back), and then datatypes (40 years back). Ever looked at Internetworking with TCP/IP by Douglas Comer? I bought those volumes 30 years ago. The historical development of networking protocols is all about coping with complexity by using layers of abstractions. Isaac Asimov was a great joker. Naive people take his Laws of Robotics without irony, but of course they were jokes, indended (I believe) to make a point about the gulf between human thinking and computers. We find it simple to say do no harm ; but should we try to specify what that actually means we soon find ourselves floundering, not only in complexity but also in metaphysics. In mathematics one talks of proofs from first principles . These are rare, because life is too short. Usually proofs proceed by using theorems, proved by other people, and one’s confidence in them rests upon a complex network of trust. Those theorems in turn depend on the theorems of others, and so on. Google Shinicho Mochizuki if you want a good example of how difficult it is to establish the truth of quite a straightforward statement – the ABC conjecture . |
I must echo the comments about built-in source control integration. How did I miss that? I am being a naughty boy with USBJoystick just because I don’t know where to start with Git on RISC OS. It might make the whole job easier to divide the task up into pieces. I wouldn’t start with starting from zero and trying to build Visual Studio! What about adding code completion and tabbed documents? Then make something to show the ‘project files’ in a nice tree view and talk to a Git client? And something else to create pretty diffs and show/edit the result in StrongEd? And finally, tackle the debugger. Something I wondered about when Justin did the first JFPatch-as-a-service… Maybe it would be easier to build a complete RISC OS IDE as a web app, complete with building and executing test suites! Probably easier to write it with some modern tooling on a modern system. :) |
Yes, very much so. A decent IDE (I tend to use Visual Studio Code on Linux for doing RISC OS work these days) will show you changed files, as well as the changes made (a diff view). It will allow you to stage files for commit (or whatever the SVN parlance is) without typing pages of text at the terminal, and to commit files using a clear GUI interface. This is vastly easier than driving Git or SVN via their command interfaces for day-to-day stuff. |
You might find this surprisingly difficult, unless you plan to stop older applications from interacting with the Clipboard without them all being re-written. There are a couple of unfortunate design decisions in the clipboard protocol which make the job of a “clipboard holder” application writer very tricky — the main one being that it’s not actually possible to find out what is on the clipboard without causing that material to be degraded from what was originally put there. |
I’d love a memory hogging monolithic IDE. Modern RISC OS machines have between 512MB and 4GB of RAM, and we’ve got sod all else that makes use of more than a few MB. The lack of an IDE is the reason that I haven’t developed a major RISC OS program on RISC OS in over 20 years. Without being able to debug things on IDEs such as Visual Studio and Eclipse, DiscKnight wouldn’t have made past version 1.00 and I wouldn’t even have attempted ARMalyser. To develop C or C++ code I need a proper visual debugger integrated with the source code editor. I can go back to the dark ages of command line debuggers for businesses willing to pay my hour rates, but I’m never going to do that on RISC OS for fun. Things like automatic make file generation and git integration are not deal breakers for me, but they are an expected part of an IDE these days, and the easier and more familiar with the way of working on other platforms an IDE is, the more likely a wider range of developers are to use it and have a dabble with RISC OS. |
That’s a very… curious… view from someone supporting an, er, Open Source OS… What’s the licencing going to be for the IDE, by the way? Will it be Open, so that other developers can contribute and help move it forward? |
You’re Piers Morgan and I claim my £5. Nobody said they hate your code. Did you miss the part where I said I shouldn’t need tu know assembler in order to debug C? Or where you too busy stressing out to be able to think? Get a grip for fsck’s sake. You can program however you like. Enter instructions in hex words if that’s what floats your boat. Just don’t be surprised if everybody else is “dude, what the hell?”. |
Ooh! HECTOR; the Open University’s computer in a shoe box. That’s such a long time ago and so traumatic (1979? and TM221) that I don’t think I’ve recalled it in the intervening years, thank goodness. Mind you, I completed the module successfully. My brain was a lot more effective in those days. :-( |
@All No fighting please guys! Yes the overall question was who is interested in an IDE and who not. But…. the IDE is for sure not aimed at RISC OS programmers that are into the business for 30 years. An IDE is aimed for newcomers and for people who want to achieve a good result in the mimimum time with the the maximum comfort. |
PS: I don’t like negative thinking as it is highly demotivating! |
Some rambling thoughts from an amateur. I think an IDE as described here is a really excellent idea. Does anyone remember Archway? Meanwhile, here is how I handle something that reaches the status of ‘project’, rather than ‘fiddling’.
The bold items are important to me. Because I program for fun I quite enjoy the process of setting everything up, but it is not efficient. Ramble over. 1 AppBasic can create an application this way for you. The Basalt module included a dummy application placed in Resources:$.Apps that could be copied under a different name and would run with the Toolbox bare minimum of Iconbar icon and menu. Its files could then be modified and extended. 2 A long while back, in the days of Guttorm, a wrote most of a StrongHelp manual for modefiles and analysed them in a highly structured manner. 3 I want the whole program to be visible in one window. Often I will create libraries simply to keep the code being worked on completely visible. 4 The Zips get uploaded to my web space, so there is a little security there, but I could really use a better system. 5 Writing SH manuals is not a general skill and I think there may be an automated method for doing this from the code documentation out there. |
I don’t like negative thinking either, but I am afraid that it comes with the medium, especially in times of plague when some unfortunates have fewer means of social interaction. The best approximation to an IDE that we currently have seems to be Joe Taylor’s AppBasic. He spent many years refining and rewriting it, gaining much insight into how the toolbox works. He certainly intended that all the sources should be available, and was well aware of the obfuscation that results from compressing or compiling BASIC programs. The toolbox was designed to be usable by any programming language with means to call SWIs. Joe’s approach was that AppBasic should provide procedures for every possible response to the Wimp, and that once the user had supplied her own the redundant ones should be eliminated. There were various BASIC compressors available that performed these eliminations – though the author of the one that Joe preferred was unreachable for many years. In part, Joe was forced to such a design because BASIC lacks a nil value, a default for when a value or procedure is missing (Lua and Python have these). Joe was also keen on the idea that a program has a tree structure, not a linear sequence, and that !RunImage should be a directory of separate files. Fred Graute made a brave start with a project that he named AppLua based on the premise that because Lua resembles BASIC in its iterative and conditional structures ( while, for, repeat, if – then – else, ..) it should be feasible to try a straight translation from BASIC to Lua. I hope I am not misrepresenting him in saying this. Unfortunately, subsequent analysis showed up some flaws in this premise that were not at first apparent. They concern the differences in operational semantics between BASIC and Lua, particularly with regard to mutual recursion, which AppBasic uses implicitly. This is probably not the place to go into too much detail. In Lua definitions of values must precede their use. Mutual recursion of a restricted kind is possible but not as straightforward as in BASIC, where procedure definitions are looked up in an eager fashion as soon as they are needed. I am sure it should be possible to have a useful AppLua, but it cannot simply adopt the design of AppBasic. Where Lua can shine is in providing abstractions; something at which BASIC is very poor. Over the years I have been trying out Lua libraries that conceal the messy details of SWI calls, the loading of window templates, draggable objects, etc. But I have been reluctant to undertake the masses of work needed for a usable system, not only from laziness but also wariness at baking in a design that might not be the most appropriate. Without feedback from others there would be little point in it. BASIC, for all its drawbacks, appears to command a bigger audience, and for development that may be the deciding factor. |
I disagree, an IDE is for anyone who wants to actually write programs, rather than faff about. Those of us which have been in the business for 30 years, really don’t want to be stuck using stuff which every other platform had left behind in the 1990s. |
Indeed. There’s a good reason why this RISC OS programmer, who has been in the business for 30 years1, is doing his development on Linux using Visual Studio Code, then running the compiled/tokenised results on the RISC OS. An IDE should work for everyone, and would benefit from experienced people contributing — hence my question about its Openness. 1 Eek! |
Depressing, innit? I find that a good single malt helps. |
Seems to me that we ought to first define what such an environment ought to offer. I rather suspect that the first step may be to create a new editor. One that can (via add-ons) understand code, colour it, perform completion, suggest members of structures, and pop up help on function parameters. We’d need add-ons for BASIC and C as a minimum, as these are the most used on the platform, with Lua and Python to follow. But – and this is why it may work better as an IDE rather than an editor with bits bolted on, is that it would be possible to create a window and put some icons in it. Double clicking on an icon will open up the editor with an appropriate function already created. The entire process between the polling loop and “it’s this icon” should be handled by the environment (and only shown to the programmer if they delve into the advanced options. (think how VB does it) That will allow new users the quickest way to get functional programs. But, of course, it will need an option to turn that bit off, in order that the environment be useful to those with existing code, different libraries, etc etc. And this doesn’t even touch on source control and debugging. (Eek again) |
Could this be pluginable? Thinking about those people who are already wedded to their editor of choice, they might prefer to do their editing in, eg, !Zap, and might be less enthusiastic about learning a new editor, even if it does come with bright, shiny bells and whistles. |
This is an incredibly interesting idea0, that also seems very RISCOSy to me. 0 In particular if I manage to get vim running on my Pi 3… ;) |
Vim == love. I haven’t looked at Steve (the rPi4) this week, so I haven’t tried to install vim yet. Maybe tonight. I can see two immediate benefits to using a plugin system:
There are surely others. What would the downsides be? |
Vim on RISC OS allegedly needs GAS and some TLC ;) |
Okay. Now I’m going to cry. |