Android application to manipulate sd image from the site
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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Chris Evans (457) 1614 posts |
Hi hObby1: Your comment reminds me that my cousin who has a broad Scottish accent spent some years in Italy teaching English to business men who were going to be visiting the USA. I wonder if they could be understood…. |
h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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Steve Pampling (1551) 8155 posts |
English is an amalgam. We hear a word that expresses something we don’t have a word for and we adopt it, usually anglicising it along the way. We mix and match. If you like it’s a mongrel language for a mongrel people. Linguistic diversity matching the cultural diversity. Hence some grammar is germanic, some latin, etc I’d sort of figured out the french bit with the use of dizains instead of dozens. ref. English use vs. UK integrity :- English is far bigger than the UK and our version has co-mingled with the USA version and others for centuries so it just blends. The real question is how long will other languages survive the spread of the original IE (International English) |
Steve Fryatt (216) 2103 posts |
True, but there are ways to correct people constructively and then there’s…
…which seems to me to be suggesting that if a non-native speaker gets some minor stuff wrong in their written English then it follows that they must also be technically ignorant. |
Rick Murray (539) 13806 posts |
Ah. I suspected from the lower case and the “dizaines”.
<rotfl> I think the language you are looking for is Esperanto? Isn’t that supposed to be a pre-optimised Euro-language?
There is certainly some weird stuff in English; however despite modern education and media trying to ruin it, there are subtle distinctions in a lot of English. For example a light shower is not the same as drizzle which is not the same as rain or mist. As Steve says, we sometimes adopt words that we like the sound of (the TV news talks about “tranches” of bail-out for Greece; we have a word that would suffice, but the French version sounds posher (or maybe just more pretentious?)). It’s a bit like French with “weekend” or “le parking”. Words exist, but those are shorter. Somebody – Mark Twain? – wrote a treatise on simplifying the English language which implemented its own ideas as the document progressed. The end result looked like German.
The American President? I think the last one worth a damn was probably Abe Lincoln. I certainly wouldn’t hold any of the Bush family as examples of brilliant speeches, and while Obama started off well, he’s ultimately been about as pathetic as Flanby.
Oi! Point of order! What the heck is all this gender rubbish in French for? Why does anybody care whether a cucumber is masculine or feminine?
I think that which makes lawyers rich is their very specific narrow interpretation of words that differs from public expectation.
I think there is a core version of English where words are agreed upon, not by any tacit agreement but rather because “you must understand this word as meaning this because its what everybody else uses”. Then there is a colloquial version that is understood by certain demographics (I nearly blew chunks when that nipper horked all over the floor). Then there’s the fun one – people in non-English countries who had to learn English at school but don’t expect to use it afterwards often mix up their language with bits of English to create a language designed to exclude “outsiders” (and adults).
My favourite is “television”. Greek and Latin in one word. It’s no wonder people think that TV is the work of the devil. Then they get to watch Channel 5 and have their fears confirmed…
Oh, I think other languages will survive. English is the language of international commerce and science today. Part of this is no doubt fuelled by America’s dominance. If America fell to the status of a has-been and somewhere like China was the #1 world power, we might see things shift away from English. That said, if the new world language is going to be an East Asian language – pray that it is Japanese (can be written in phonetic kana (or with ruby characters)) or Korean (Hangul is phonetic, once you can decipher it, and surprisingly clever at that). Chinese is just… complicated. Alllllllll of that aside – I don’t think there is one consistent universal language. They tried to invent one in Esperanto and, well, there may be more people who speak Klingon than Esperanto. Nuff said. ;-) Just keep on posting, h0bby1, and if there are those who don’t want to take the time to understand you don’t bother to do so……well, it’s their loss. |
Steve Pampling (1551) 8155 posts |
I’ve long held the view that “DVD now” and “DVD Monday” are different formats :) Cucumbers are, quite obviously masculine. Er, what was the topic? |
Chris Mahoney (1684) 2165 posts |
Which should be “license” because it’s a verb. /me ducks |
h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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Steve Pampling (1551) 8155 posts |
In many instances they may learn a few old english ones before the heavy object makes skull contact :) |
Rick Murray (539) 13806 posts |
The joke reformatted to be readable. Européens, attention, ceci vous concerne : La commission européenne a finalement tranché ; après la monnaie unique, l’Union européenne va se doter d’une langue unique, à savoir… le français. Trois langues étaient en compétition : Le français (parlé par le plus grand nombre de pays de l’Union). L’allemand (parlé par le plus grand nombre d’habitants de l’Union). L’anglais (langue internationale par excellence). L’anglais a vite été éliminé, pour deux raisons : l’anglais aurait été le cheval de Troie économique des États-Unis, et les Britanniques ont vu leur influence limitée au profit du couple franco-allemand en raison de leur légendaire réticence à s’impliquer dans la construction européenne. Le choix a fait l’objet d’un compromis, les Allemands ayant obtenu que l’orthographe du français, particulièrement délicate à maîtriser, soit réformée, dans le cadre d’un plan de cinq ans, afin d’aboutir à l’eurofrançais. La première année, tous les accents seront supprimes et les sons actuellement distribues entre « s », « z », « c », « k » et « q » seront repartis entre « z » et « k », ze ki permettra de zupprimer beaukoup de la konfuzion aktuelle. La deuzierne annee, on remplazera le « ph » par « f », ze ki aura pour effet de rakourzir un mot komme « fotograf» de kelke vingt pour zent. La troizieme annee, des modifikations plus draztikes zeront pozzibles, notamment ne plus redoubler les lettres ki l’etaient : touz ont auzi admis le prinzip de la zuprezion des «e » muets, zourz eternel de konfuzion, en efet, tou kom l’autr letr muet. La katriem ane, les gens zeront devenu rezeptif a de changements majeurs, tel ke remplazer « g » zoi par « ch », zoi par «j », zoi par « k », zelon les ka, ze ki zimplifira davantach l’ekritur de touz. Duran la zinkiem ane, le «b » zera remplaze par le « p » et le « v » zera lui auzi apandone, au profi du « f ». Efidamen, on kagnera ainzi pluzieur touch zu le klafie. Un foi ze plan de zink an achefe, l’ortokraf zera defenu lochik, et le chen pouron ze komprendr et komunike. Le ref de l’Unite kulturel de l’Europ zera defenu realite ! Kro Pizou a fou touz ! [and with that we’re halfway to speaking Breton :-P ] |
h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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Rick Murray (539) 13806 posts |
I suppose this is a little bit like getting “hot under the collar”?
That so does not apply.1 Some of the guys at work were trying to get me to look up Jacqui et Michel. Given who it was asking me, I pretty much knew it would be on the distant side of Not Safe For Work. I think I would have a heart attack if they ever said something clean and normal (that didn’t relate to the job itself). One day… One day… they might understand why, if I’m looking for a girlfriend, I would value personality more than cup size. The most depressing thing is that these guys are married and are acting like this. :-/ Still, they’re useful at least for some colourful language. Espece de chamaux cracks me up. :-) 1 And if Sarko gets back in power, I know I don’t need to be polite around him. |
Rick Murray (539) 13806 posts |
Let’s first agree on what the same language means. There are enough differences between English and American English that things can get confusing. I mean, when one talks about putting gas into a car, I think of LPG! (GPL in French, but those initials mean something else around these parts!).
You used to be able to, but it seems like Google is prone to making its search parameters even more vague and useless as time goes by. Once upon a time Google’s results were good and precise and what you were looking for. Now it is polluted with all sorts of rubbish and it is an act of keyboard-fu to try to knock out this rubbish so you find what you were looking for.
That’s a tall order. I sort-of speak French, and am fluent in English, and I still can’t always find the right word to express myself. Sometimes I will throw in a random Japanese word. Okay, it might mean “hippopotamus”1, but the word “feels” right at the time. ;-)
My idea of a good language would not include support for Facebook.
…nor would the ‘#’ #exist, just to #mean there were no #stupid #tags. Something else would be used in its place, like maybe ⃞ (easy to write!). 1 kaba – but it depends upon the kanji as it also could mean bullrush, birch, or a “cover” of something. |
Steve Pampling (1551) 8155 posts |
I’m guessing it probably qualifies for the label: Amateur Gynaecology web edition? |
Jon Abbott (1421) 2641 posts |
Getting this thread back onto the OP, where are we with the SD viewer? I could really do with one on the iPad, but Windows will suffice – don’t have any Android devices unfortunately to try this. |
h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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h0bby1 (2567) 480 posts |
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G0ST (2668) 79 posts | I will start to put info there, as there are still things i figured out that doesn’t seem very well documented all together in riscos. So will probably put more doc, more infos, examples etc there, because here the formatting is not great, too much trolling etc The address will probably move, i’m just putting that here in case people would want to get this info. |
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