Improve Paint's 256 colour picker
The colour picker incorporated into the Paint application bundled with RISC OS shows the 256 colour palette in what appears to be almost a random arrangement. (In fact it relates to the peculiar bit-assignment of colour channels in the VIDC1 chip.) I wondered whether there might be a more intuitive and user-friendly way of arranging the colours, so I came up with some proposed alternatives based on the idea of a colour wheel: If people could vote on which they like best then maybe this aspect of the RISC OS user experience could be improved? I’m thinking along the lines of automatically selecting the alternative layout in Paint if a sprite has the default 256 colour palette, or if it has no palette at all. That could be overridden by a menu option if necessary although I generally think fewer options is better. Obviously the alternative layout would make no sense with a custom palette such as is used by sprites converted from Doom textures. |
I also made a different arrangement and proposed it in the Paint Bounty thread. It’s also arranged along the lines of a colour wheel (well, three colour wheels). |
I’m no artist but this is what I find. I find the left hand colourwheels more useful – I can’t make sense of the right hand ones. I find the 16 × 16 rectangles almost as messy as the existing layout but given a choice I’d pick alternate B – either one it doesn’t matter to me I don’t know whether this is a stupid idea or not – as I say I’m no artist. The 240 colour wheel has 6 60 degree segments each with 4 alternative paths from the center to the rim. Can each of these 4 paths be sorted by brightness so that you don’t get 3 bands in the circle? Or does it make no sense to do that. On the colour rectangle could it be made 24 × 24 instead of 16 × 16 where each row of 24 colours are the different paths from the center to rim of the colour circle. Identical colours could be joined vertically in the grid. |
I wonder if there’s any scope for having a colour wheel (or other palette arrangement) created automatically, by having Paint analyse the palette. That way it could work with custom palettes as well. Or maybe we could allow the colour picker dialog to be used? It could be displayed using the same palette as the sprite, with dithering, and if you choose an inexact colour it could set up a dithered ECF pattern. |