Physical memory allocation
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I’m slowly coming up with a plan of attack on how to upgrade the kernel/OS to allow for memory to be claimed but not mapped in to the logical address space. I figured I might as well share my thoughts here, as it’s relevant to some recent discussions, and some other people might have some thoughts on how best to implement things. Basically, the main goal would be to allow memory to be claimed (as per a dynamic area), but unlike a dynamic area the memory won’t be (immediately) mapped in to the logical address space. Instead the owner of the memory will be able to control when and where it gets mapped in (similar to a sparse dynamic area), or whether it ever gets mapped in at all. Adding support for this kind of memory allocation to the OS would allow for the following kinds of things to be implemented:
Taking the above into account, the system would need to be able to cope with the following:
In terms of implementation, it’s probably easiest to consider a physical memory pool as being a special type of dynamic area. So when creating the dynamic area you’d specify both the maximum logical size (which could be zero, if the memory is for non-CPU use) and the maximum physical size. Then you’d use calls similar to the sparse dynamic area map in/out calls to manipulate the logical mapping, passing in a page list of which pages you want mapped in (instead of letting the kernel pick for you). For manipulating the underlying physical pool you’d probably need two extra calls – one for claiming pages and one for releasing pages. Perhaps more if we allow pages to be locked/unlocked on demand. And I’d expect that the physical pool would have to be sparse as well – pages within the physical pool will be identified by their index within that pool, rather than by the actual physical page number or address. That way it should simplify the code that’s necessary to deal with page reclaiming (for something like the filecore cache, if it uses pool-local page indices to specify which pages to map in/out then it means that it won’t care at all if the kernel has to reallocate some of the physical pages behind the scenes because another dynamic area has requested a specific page which you were using). Another big implementation hurdle would be allowing the kernel to work out the owner of a physical page. This would be necessary to allow it to efficiently support the above situation of a dynamic area (or physical pool) requesting a physical page which is in use by another physical pool. Detecting whether the page is locked is trivial (that’s just a flag in the CAM), but once the kernel has worked out that it’s unlocked it needs to be able to locate the physical pool which owns the page so that it can update its page list. I’m thinking the cleanest way of supporting this would be to expand the CAM from two words per page to three or four words per page; you could just about get by with two words per page (overloading the logical address and using it to store the physical memory pool info when the page isn’t mapped in), but adding an extra word or two would make things much cleaner when dealing with reclaiming pages which are already mapped in. Some of you may have already realised that we already have a system in place for claiming physical memory but not mapping it in – the AMBControl system that’s used for managing wimpslots for wimp tasks. Although this system works (it’s able to correctly cope with the kernel reclaiming pages for other purposes), the implementation isn’t entirely optimal – it listens out for Service_PagesSafe and then manually searches through the AMB control blocks to work out if any of the pages it manages have been remapped. So not the best code to base any new implementation ontop of, but something that could be improved if it was migrated to the new system. |
Very good plan :)
Should all the block of ram be marked as used, or only parts of the block allocated and used (so locked)? Not sure, I’m really clear here :) If you give us the possibility to reserve blocks of memory without allocate them at first, should it be possible to use memory outside of the physical space? Then, exceptions could be raised when used. Virtual memory, on demand. To make it simple, it’s probably better to have several memory types: non_protected/in_memory (direct access / not locked) – protected/in_memory (direct access / locked) – on_disk/uncompressed (access via VM exception) – on_disk/compressed (the same) and why not some in_memory/compressed for FS cache. Perhaps the compress idea could be a filter applied before a VM access (compression, transformation of data [big<>little endian / color conversion], etc.). |
One extra thing to muse if you’re thinking about paged memory schemes, some of the more recent ARMs have the large physical address extensions which would allow a 40 bit address space (1TB of RAM on a 32 bit architecture) for those that support it. |
If a (unlocked) physical page should get claimed by someone else, whether the contents of that page should be preserved Everything will be handled on a per-page basis. So even if you’re only using one byte within a page the kernel will consider the full page to be in use. That might not be the most optimal way of doing things, but it will keep the implementation nice and simple (both for the kernel and for the programs).
I think there are three things we’d need to get virtual memory working:
I’m slowly coming up with a plan of attack on how to upgrade the kernel/OS to allow for memory to be claimed but not mapped in to the logical address space. Yes, I’ve already mused on that to a certain extent. There’s an IGEPv5 model with 4GB of RAM, so the hardware to test it on is within our reach. But for now I think I’ll be happy with just these changes – updating everything which deals with physical addresses to treat them as 40 bit (effectively 64 bit) would be a lot of work! |
Presumably this plays well into the multi-core discussions too? I presume from above that the GPU isn’t really a ‘special case’ – it’s ‘other PUs’ that can share physical address space, of which a GPU is one such example. If the SCU has control over the physical pages (and presumably that could be part of the changes even at this stage), it would be possible to implement the ‘two RISC OSes, one on each core’ starting point previously discussed. The CPU0 RISC OS and CPU1 RISC OS use different physical pages, with the logical paging being allocated by the SCU. Clearly that doesn’t allow the two CPUs to cooperate in any way at this stage – but it would at least set the scene to then build cooperative memory structures, even if the two ARM cores use different logical memory maps for their work? |
Not really… in a multi-core world I’d assume that we’d be going full SMP and so would be able to freely share memory between cores/processes using the standard RISC OS APIs. I.e. all cores see the same dynamic areas mapped, the only difference in the memory maps would be which wimpslots are mapped in. Maybe in future we’ll support something more advanced (e.g. the “dynamic area bound to task” flag), but for first-pass SMP keeping it simple would be the best approach.
The SCU doesn’t do anything with regards to mapping or allocating memory. Its main purpose is to maintain cache coherency between the different cores. For giving each core its own unique memory map all you need to do is set different page table base addresses and you’re good to go.
That can “easily” be implemented with the current kernel. All you’d need to do is tweak the HAL to report different RAM chunks as being available to different cores. E.g. the lower 50% to CPU0 and the upper 50% to CPU1. Maybe keep 1MB or so reserved which can then be mapped in to both for inter-core communication (mapping the memory in via OS_Memory 13, bypassing the standard RAM allocation mechanisms). |
Sounds good to me.
For me it would perfect. IMHO, AMP is much better than SMP for RISC OS. It doesn’t break anything, and it can be done now. And it’s so flexible that you can even choose… not to use it. A good point from an embedded point of view. The big problem would be to get a subset of the normal system (without Wimp) for the second core. Perhaps a sort of ready to run ROM image to load, with a very simple HAL (nothing, except timers, some interupts and memory access). I already say it too, but a will pay for such a bounty. Probably 300 pounds. And probably more if associated to a WIMP2 remake (on a different basis, to avoid GPL issues), i.e. some time limit on tasks. |
In terms of OS code, extending the CAM doesn’t look like it’ll be too painful. There’ll be some fallout in terms of OS_ReadMemMapEntries and friends (they directly get/set CAM entries), and the softload tool will need updating, but that’s about it for anything outside of the kernel. Of course there’s also Aemulor and Geminus to worry about, so if they access the CAM directly then maybe the better approach would be to just add a second table somewhere for the page → physical pool lookup. The end result should be pretty much the same, so it’s not a big deal if extending the CAM isn’t feasible. In fact I might just go with that approach just to avoid the hassle + risk of having to update all the CAM/memory code instead of just some of it. |
This is embarrassing; I remember sparse dynamic areas being specified and the API added to OS_DynamicArea but my recollection was that the actual ‘sparseness’ was never implemented. When was this done? |
It looks like the initial implementation of sparse DA support was complete (see this change to the Ursula kernel, from 1998) |
I now have a first-pass version of the ‘physical memory pool’ DAs working – enough to operate as a proof-of-concept, but without some of the features which will make the system worthwhile. As I’m sure many programmers will relate, getting the first version of some code up and running represents the passing of a significant hurdle (even if it’s only a psychological one), so hopefully progress on this will be a little bit quicker from now on. My rough plan for finishing off the system is as follows:
Plus some other assorted odds-and-ends like making the task manager display sensible information for PMP DAs, fixing up bugs/implementation issues, etc. In terms of the API, in addition to the extra flag + parameters needed to the OS_DynamicArea ‘create’ call, I’ve currently got two additional reason codes defined:
Both calls operate on unordered page lists and are capable of mapping in and out multiple arbitrary pages as part of their operation, unlike the sparse DA map/unmap calls which only allow you to map/unmap one contiguous logical region at a time. You can also specify the page flags (cacheability, etc.) on a per-page basis. However this is all subject to change if I find that the extra flexibility causes one too many headaches! |
8 months later, and I finally found some time to work on this again! Nothing to show yet, but I think the code is almost in the state where a PMP version of RAMFS would be possible (there were a few issues that needed resolving first – like how to deal with OS_ChangeDynamicArea being used to resize a PMP) I’ve also spent lunch reading through the LPAE documentation (since that’s one of the things that PMP support will eventually lead on to). For the most part it looks fine, but there is one nasty incompatibility – unless I’m mistaken there’s no equivalent of the “user RO, privileged RW” access permission. With the long descriptor format (or with the short descriptor format with the access flag enabled) you have one bit to control whether memory is RO or RW and one bit to control whether access is allowed from all modes or just privileged modes. So I guess under an LPAE version of the OS we’d have to make OS_DynamicArea, etc. throw an error if “user RO, privileged RW” is requested, and will have to change any bits of the OS which do use it (kernel workspace?) to do something different instead – e.g. move all the user-readable bits to a user RW page, and live with the fact that user software may overwrite it at any given time. Or if it’s something critical to the kernel, have two copies of the data – an internal copy which the kernel reads/writes and an external copy which user code gets to see. |
This has the potential of being a nightmare. Many many APIs return pointers to things in privileged workspace. This has always been okay because the “system” could modify the data, but the user could only read it. Take that away (what are you thinking, ARM?) and we are left with a big problem. I have said in the past that we ought to have a two-level RMA so that the code can be completely zoned off from user mode access, however we also need to have data accessible to it. Therefore, the “Module area” should operate as normal, but with the restriction of being SVC mode only (a USR R/W RMA is unthinkable). The secondary area, "Module data" should be user read/write and OS_Module claims can be directed there. However, OS_Module should have a flag to specify that the module wants the data to be allocated from the Module Area (inaccessible to user mode) so modules can choose what to share and what to keep private, bearing in mind that any user mode app could pee all over the RMA data area, one might prefer to keep filing system state someplace where only the filing system can touch it. Though in the longer term we ought to consider making APIs that will copy data into a user supplied block instead of just passing pointers. Yuck. File this one under “oh look, ARM has made another incompatibility that breaks RISC OS”. ;-) |
Yeah, I’m not really sure why ARM have dropped support for it. Looking at the ARMv8 docs, it looks like the same permissions scheme is used there when in 64bit mode, so it doesn’t look like user RO, privileged RW is going to come back any time soon. As far as RISC OS is concerned though, the following places seem to be using that access level (n.b. not an exhaustive search):
I suspect that’s the approach that we’re supposed to be taking. After all, in a multi-core/multi-threaded system, it’s no good returning a pointer to something in a shared location (or at least, not without the object containing a mutex) because someone else could come along and do something to update it while you’re in the middle of using it. There may be some security considerations too (e.g. better to expose just the bits the program asks for, by copying it into the programs workspace, than return a pointer to a page containing the requested data and about a hundred other things) |
The RMA is currently able to be written to from user mode. Are there plans to change this? Surely it should be done to aid system security? Problem is in working out what should be accessible from user mode, and what shouldn’t.
That too. Making this information easily accessible encourages people to access it, even if Acorn fell over themselves1 right from the days of the Beeb to emphasise using the proper API… 1 It turned out to be quite important for software that could run on the co-processor across the Tube. |
It’s not on my current todo list. Maybe one day, but at the moment I’ve got bigger fish to fry in terms of delivering bang-for-buck. |
I had a fairly productive weekend, so I now have a PMP version of RAMFS (1MB logical window into arbitrary-size physical space), and I’ve extended the CAM to be 16 bytes per entry instead of 8 bytes per entry (so that each RAM page can store its PMP association, so that reclaiming of PMP pages will work correctly). This means I’m now ready for step 4 of the plan, to convert the free pool into a PMP. However:
I’m worried that the extra complexity involved in options 1 and 2 (having the lists resize themselves for every page added/removed) will introduce some edge cases which the code won’t be able to cope with cleanly – e.g. what happens if the free pool is empty, you try and insert a page into it, but in order to store the reference to the page you need to expand the length of the page list, but there isn’t any free space in the system heap and you need to claim a new page to extend the heap? Also option 2 will increase the complexity of some use cases for PMPs, e.g. disc caching – you’d want to be able to discard a page from the middle of the cache. Out of options 3 and 4, option 3 is the one I’m leaning towards. Partly due to the security aspect (we don’t want bad programs scribbling over the RMA and corrupting the PMP page lists), and partly because of the way dynamic areas are initialised during ROM init (when the DA init function is called, the system heap will have 32KB of memory mapped to it – which is enough to store a small page list to boot-strap the creation of the free pool DA). So keeping the code using the system heap will be easier than changing the ROM init to initialise the RMA earlier. Does anyone have any thoughts on the above? Option 3 is the one I’m leaning towards, but since one of the aims of the changes is to free up a bunch of logical address space it seems a bit wrong to immediately take a big chunk of it back again. I guess it’s worth pointing out that PMPs can resize their page list – so a well-behaved PMP (like the RAMFS one) will be able to make sure that its page list doesn’t contain any unallocated entries. But until the system starts getting used by third-party software it’s a bit hard to tell exactly how much memory an average system will be using to store page lists. |
Whatever system is chosen, it is going to have to eventually fail gracefully when memory runs out. Unless you have some sort of swapping mechanism1 in the back of your mind, memory will eventually run out. So, the API must absolutely be designed to fail safely. If the extra memory required cannot be found, then stop and leave things as they were.
Absolutely. It really gives me the (OS_)HeeBeeGeeBees to think of such sensitive information as that being in the RMA, a user-mode read/write area. It needs to be in a DA where it can be locked off from user mode access.
The way I understand it, RISC OS can pretty much make use of the full 4GiB addressing potential of the ARM processor, however things start to get ugly if more than ~2GiB is actually fitted because the allocation method “pre-reserves” space in the memory map (as explained here).
You claim 4MiB and you give back 2GiB. Really, who is going to complain about that? 1 Nobody ever did respond to my question regarding the “swapping” built into the Wimp… |
Partly due to the security aspect (we don’t want bad programs scribbling over the RMA and corrupting the PMP page lists), It looks like the jokes on us – the system heap is currently read/write in user mode. I guess that’s another thing to go on my todo list! So, the way I understand this is the start of making some (all?) of these areas able to be claimed dynamically. You don’t need to pre-allocate 256MiB of memory to the RMA when most systems will probably need 4-16MiB; you don’t need to pre-allocate xxxMiB to the RAMdisc when many systems won’t even use it, and we really don’t need to <euphemism for urinate> an entire 2GiB for the free pool. Not exactly. The RMA is a global resource, so it will still need to be a regular dynamic area, and will still need 256MiB-ish logical address space allocating to it even though it may only have 4-16MiB of pages mapped in. But the free pool will be completely gone from the logical address map, and the RAM disc will only take 1MiB of space. From the point of view of freeing up logical address space, it’s not clear what other DAs would benefit from turning into PMPs (filecore disc maps, perhaps?). But the free pool is the one that’s going to give the biggest bang for buck. |
I noticed that earlier this evening. I cobbled together a program to list dynamic areas and their access permissions (hoping greatly that the drive map WASN’T user accessible – phew!).
Ah, I see. So the way the PMP works is that a small area is mapped in to be a window into a larger area (hence a half gigabyte RAMdisc claiming only 1MiB space (how does this affect RAMdisc’s read/write speed?)); but this wouldn’t work for the RMA. Shame the RMA can’t auto-extend when necessary from a more modest allocation.
Well, yeah. Wiping out half of the potential addressing capacity is a bit of a horrible thing now that 4GiB devices exist… |
I haven’t done any real-world performance tests yet (e.g. ROM compile), but I have done a bit of testing with RISCOSmark on a Pandaboard:
So it’s slower for large accesses, but not terribly so (Note also the recent performance gains from some changes I made recently to improve our support for the different VMSA memory types/attributes). If necessary I can always make the logical window bigger, and/or switch to a better LRU cache implementation. |
Yesterday I checked in the first version of the code. The main headline changes are that RAMFS and the free pool are now physical memory pools. The free pool has no logical mapping, so that frees up a massive chunk of logical address space on modern systems. Meanwhile RAMFS has a 1MB logical mapping (may be tweaked in future), and the max ram disc size has been increased to 508MB (and should go higher in future once the filesystem issues are resolved). But you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, so here’s a list of things that people (mainly developers) need to be aware of:
This is just a first iteration of PMP support – once the initial bugs have been fixed I’ll likely start work on the next iteration, which will focus on improving the functionality to allow it to be used by more OS systems (GraphicsV being the main one I’m interested in – there’s lots of complex use cases I have in mind). So don’t be surprised if some of the APIs end up changing (not that they’re publicly documented anywhere yet – when I get a chance I’ll probably post the current API to this thread) |
API details: OS_DynamicArea 0If bit 20 of the flags (R4) is set, this indicates the DA is a PMP.
At the moment the handler routine is only called with one reason code, a new reason code of 6. This reason code is called whenever OS_ChangeDynamicArea is called on your PMP – it allows you to perform the grow/shrink operation yourself. Arguments are:
As with other handler routines, all registers should be preserved on exit. If returning an error, V should be set, and R0 should either be an error pointer or 0 for a generic error message to be returned. The way the call operates with respect to OS_ChangeDynamicArea is that the OS will convert the change amount from byte to pages, call the handler routine, and then check to see how much the PMP’s physical size has changed, returning that value as the result of the OS_ChangeDynamicArea operation. When a PMP is created it will start off with no pages assigned to it; pages must be assigned with OS_DynamicArea 21. OS_DynamicArea 2, OS_ReadDynamicArea, etc.As mentioned in the post above, these return the physical size of the PMP (in bytes) rather than the logical size. To avoid any signed number overflows, the size will be clamped to 2GB-4KB. A PMP can be detected by the fact that it will have bit 20 of the flags set. OS_DynamicArea 21 (PMP PhysOp)New reason code to claim/release physical memory pages in physical memory pool. in: r0 = reason code (21) r1 = area number r2 = pointer to array of (PMP page index, phys page index, PMP page flag) tuples r3 = number of entries out: r0-r1 preserved (error if not all of region successfully updated) r2 advanced to first entry not processed (or end of list) r3 updated to number of entries not processed (or 0) PMP pages are sequentially numbered from 0 to the current ‘max size’ of the PMP. Physical page indices should be:
Currently the only supported page flag is bit 15, which is used to lock a page to prevent other DAs from claiming it (similar to a regular DA which requests specific pages). Other bits are ignored. Flags are also ignored when releasing pages. The page list that’s provided is processed in order. If an error occurs then R2 and R3 will be updated to point to the first entry that has not been processed. However this may not be the entry that generated the error (it might be caused by an entry further on in the list). Attempting to release or swap a page which is currently mapped in will fail. OS_DynamicArea 22 (PMP LogOp)New reason code to map/unmap pages from logical memory in: r0 = reason code (22) r1 = area number r2 = pointer to array of (DA page number, PMP page index, page flags) tuples r3 = number of entries out: r0-r1 preserved (error if not all of region successfully updated) r2 advanced to first entry not processed (or end of list) r3 updated to number of entries not processed (or 0) DA pages are sequentially numbered from 0 to the max logical size of the PMP. PMP page indices should be:
If a valid PMP page index is given, then the following page flags can be specified:
Other bits are ignored. Currently, flags are ignored when mapping out pages – if you need to change the flags of a page when mapping it out either change the flags before mapping it out, or issue a PhysOp call afterwards. Similar to PhysOp, the page list is processed in-order, and if an error occurs then R2 and R3 will have been updated but they may not point to the entry that’s caused the error. Currently a PMP page can only exist in one location at once, so if you make a request to map page X to location Y then it will first be removed from its current location. As far as the sequential order of operations is performed, this all happens within the context of the entry that requests the page to be moved. For performance reasons, when making large numbers of changes you should map out any cacheable pages first, then non-cacheable pages, then map in new pages (in any order). The kernel will scan ahead through the list to work out how many pages (and of what type) are being mapped out so that it can work out whether it should perform global or per-page cache/TLB invalidation. OS_DynamicArea 23 (PMP resize)New reason code to change the physical ‘max’ size of a PMP in: r0 = reason code (23) r1 = area number r2 = resize amount (positive/negative page count) out: r0-r1 preserved (error if not all of region successfully updated) r2 = amount area has changed by (unsigned page count) This allows you to change the value of R9 that was passed to OS_DynamicArea 0 when the PMP was created. The memory overhead for a PMP is 4 bytes per page (i.e. 4*R9). So for large PMPs which may spend most of their time empty (e.g. RAMFS) it’s recommended to dynamically adjust the physical size of the PMP to avoid wasting memory. Note that when shrinking a PMP, the shrink will only succeed if the last N entries of the page list are unclaimed pages. If there are pages allocated then they must be released first. OS_DynamicArea 24 (Get info on PMP/DA)New routine that acts as an OS_DynamicArea 2 replacement in: r0 = reason code (24) r1 = area number out: r2 = current logical size of area (bytes) r3 = base logical address r4 = area flags r5 = maximum logical size of area (bytes) r6 = current physical size of area (pages) r7 = maximum physical size of area (pages) r8 -> title string Although designed for use with PMPs, this call works with regular DAs too (just returns logical page counts for r6 & r7) OS_DynamicArea 25 (Get PMP page mapping)New routine to examine the state of a PMP’s pages in: r0 = reason code (25) r1 = area number r2 = pointer to input/output array: +0: PMP page index (filled in on entry) +4: phys page index (filled in on exit, -1 if none) +8: PMP PhysOp page flags (filled in on exit, 0 if none) +12: DA page index (filled in on exit, -1 if not mapped) +16: page flags (filled in on exit, 0 if not mapped) r3 = number of entries out: r0-r3 preserved Array updated with page details This call will probably end up being revised, due to “PMP PhysOp page flags” and “page flags” being the same thing (PMP page flags are just a subset of the full page flags). Also there’s a bug where the current implementation returns 0 for the PhysOp page flags. If you used -2 in PhysOp to let the kernel pick a page for you, then reading back the details using this call will return the page number that was allocated rather than -2. OS_SetMemMapEntries and friendsPage flags read using these SWIs will have bit 20 set if the page is a member of a PMP, and bit 15 set if the page is locked. Altering bit 20 via these SWIs is prohibited (the kernel will force the current value of the bit to be retained), and altering bit 15 (especially clearing it) is likely to have bad consequences too. We should probably consider deprecating OS_SetMemMapEntries, or severely limiting its capabilities. GeneralIn the future the PMP PhysOp page flags may be extended to cover the full range of page flags. The aim of this will be to allow the CAM to store the details of mapped out pages, and as a consequence will allow us to reduce the amount of cache flushing which we perform when mapping/unmapping pages (on modern ARMs, caches are physically indexed/tagged – so you only need to flush the cache if the cacheability attributes of the underlying physical page change, rather than doing it on a logical page basis like we do now). So you might want to get into the habit of passing in the full set of flags you want to the physop calls. This is the code review forum, so if anyone has any thoughts on the above API changes (good or bad) then feel free to share them! |
Blurg. Surely any software that understands PMP’s doesn’t yet exist, so there’s no need to tippy toe around with signed numbers. Anything predating the PMP work could never have received a number bigger than 2 31 since the free pool would have consumed the remaining logical address space. I suggest unsigned, limited at 4GB-4kB. |
I’ve been doing a bit more PMP-related work over the past few weeks. Primarily, I’ve now rewritten the AMBControl code so that it uses PMPs under the hood. This has allowed for the removal of a few of the inefficiencies in the old implementation (use of service calls to fix things up after CAM/memory map changes, some O(N) list/array traversal, forcing areas to be non-lazy when growing/shrinking appspace, etc.), and it’s also allowed for the removal of a bunch of places where the CAM/page tables were being manually peeked/poked. The lazy task swapping code has also been tidied up a bit so that it can be switched out completely if necessary (e.g. the future ASID-based system for ARMv6+ won’t have any need for lazy task swapping) However it’s not all good news, as profiling has revealed that the new implementation has introduced a few new inefficiencies all of its own. Part of this is down to limitations in the current PMP APIs (e.g. mapping out large numbers of pages is slow due to needing to construct a page list – so adding a “ranged map out” operation is likely to be the solution there). Part of it may also be down to the fact that the manual CAM/page table poking routines which AMBControl used were actually pretty good – none of the other page mapping code in the kernel makes use of loop unrolling, instead everything is sent through the somewhat bloated BangCamUpdate routine one page at a time. So I’ll be doing a bit more profiling around that area (e.g. performance of AMB vs. regular dynamic areas) and if the AMB routines prove to be a winner I’ll probably try adapting them so that the kernel can use them for most of its bulk page remapping operations. Also, it’s a bit of a late reply, but: OS_DynamicArea 2 If the clamp was at 4GB-4KB then any software which does use signed numbers will break as soon as it (e.g.) sees that a machine with 4GB of RAM has >2GB of that memory in the free pool. If clamping at 2GB-4KB allows that software to continue to run then we might as well use that as our clamp value – as you say, anything predating the PMP work could never have received a number bigger than that, so retroactively adding a clamp to the return values shouldn’t cause any problems for existing software on existing machines. |
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