Linux Port
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I have uploaded my Port of RISC OS to Linux to, which is intended to be it’s temporary home. There are few non-Linux changes as well. If you are asking what the use of a Linux port is, think of RpcEmu. It currently has only been tested on a ARMv7 system (an ASUS Chromebook Flip running Debian Stretch) and on QEMU with the included patch. Mouse, screen and keyboard are supported, sound Edit: Binary download is available It will currently run at least:
The following modules are currently part of the ROM image: No. Position Module Name Version Status 1 System ROM UtilityModule 5.23 Running 2 System ROM FileSwitch 2.84 Active 3 System ROM ResourceFS 0.26 Active 4 System ROM TerritoryManager 0.56 Active 5 System ROM Messages 1.12 Active 6 System ROM MessageTrans 0.49 Active 7 System ROM UK 0.61 Active 8 System ROM WindowManager 5.55 Active 9 System ROM TaskManager 1.49 Active 10 System ROM Desktop 2.76 Active 11 System ROM SharedCLibrary 5.92 Active 12 System ROM FPEmulator 4.35 Active 13 System ROM ScreenModes 0.59 Active 14 System ROM BASIC 1.63 Active 15 System ROM BASIC64 1.63 Active 16 System ROM BlendTable 0.02 Active 17 System ROM BufferManager 0.39 Active 18 System ROM ColourTrans 1.95 Active 19 System ROM DisplayManager 0.44 Active 20 System ROM DragASprite 0.20 Active 21 System ROM DragAnObject 0.09 Active 22 System ROM Draw 1.22 Active 23 System ROM FileCore 3.71 Active 24 System ROM IXSupport 0.00 Active 25 System ROM RamFS 2.32 Dormant 26 System ROM Filer 2.43 Active 27 System ROM FilerSWIs 0.05 Active 28 System ROM FSLock 1.24 Active 29 System ROM FontManager 3.77 Active 30 System ROM Hourglass 2.19 Active 31 System ROM International 1.69 Active 32 System ROM InternationalKeyboard 0.98 Active 33 System ROM Obey 0.40 Active 34 System ROM Portable 0.81 Active 35 System ROM Pinboard 1.02 Active 36 System ROM PipeFS 0.23 Active 37 System ROM RAMFSFiler 0.40 Active 38 System ROM ResourceFiler 0.20 Active 39 System ROM ROMFonts 0.77 Active 40 System ROM RTC 0.01 Active 41 System ROM ScreenBlanker 2.34 Active 42 System ROM ScrSaver 0.14 Active 43 System ROM ShellCLI 0.37 Active 44 System ROM SpriteExtend 1.78 Active 45 System ROM SpriteUtils 1.13 Active 46 System ROM Squash 0.30 Active 47 System ROM SuperSample 0.16 Active 48 System ROM SystemDevices 1.33 Active 49 System ROM TaskWindow 0.79 Active 50 System ROM WindowUtils 2.53 Active 51 System ROM FilterManager 0.28 Active 52 System ROM Filer_Action 0.62 Active 53 System ROM DOSFS 1.09 Active 54 System ROM ColourPicker 0.56 Active 55 System ROM DrawFile 1.58 Active 56 System ROM BootCommands 1.49 Active 57 System ROM MimeMap 0.19 Active 58 System ROM !Edit 1.73 Active 59 System ROM !Draw 1.30 Active 60 System ROM !Paint 2.20 Active 61 System ROM !Alarm 2.90 Active 62 System ROM !Chars 2.02 Active 63 System ROM !Help 3.23 Active 64 System ROM Toolbox 1.57 Active 65 System ROM Window 1.78 Active 66 System ROM ToolAction 0.38 Active 67 System ROM Menu 0.40 Active 68 System ROM Iconbar 1.23 Active 69 System ROM ColourDbox 0.21 Active 70 System ROM ColourMenu 0.22 Active 71 System ROM DCS 1.14 Active 72 System ROM FileInfo 0.20 Active 73 System ROM FontDbox 0.19 Active 74 System ROM FontMenu 0.25 Active 75 System ROM PrintDbox 0.18 Active 76 System ROM ProgInfo 0.19 Active 77 System ROM SaveAs 0.20 Active 78 System ROM Scale 0.16 Active 79 System ROM TextGadgets 0.43 Active 80 System ROM ZeroPain 0.06 Active Overall Design:
I have included a makefile which can be be used to build RISC OS on Linux. By default it build the Linux port using the Linux port, downloading, patching and building QEMU on non-ARM systems. It expects to find the DDE in the directory ../DDE by default. To build and run RISC OS:
And with graphics:
Other makefile targets can download RPCEmu and RISC OS. |
Great project. I hope that you’ll manage to change RISC OS to make it running on a non patched Qemu. |
Very interesting project, Timothy. Do you have some performance indicators? |
That’s incredible work! Well done! |
Fascinating! This looks like a really cool project! |
A few questions:
I had a look through the code as I’ve similar questions to Jeffrey.
It looks like it’s limited to well behaved apps that don’t switch CPU mode. Full paravirtualization would only be possible with a Hypervisor as MRS/MSR would need switching to a hypercall. I’m not sure that’s the final goal as you wouldn’t need to tweak RISCOS and recompile, you’d just run it under a VMM that uses a JIT to translate suspect instructions to hypercalls and either emulate or translate them. Of course, this may just be a stepping stone to such a goal.
Type 2? Isn’t that already covered by QEMU etc? Type 1 would be an interesting challenge that would need to be closely tied in with RISCOS development, emulating the bare minimum that RISCOS uses. A full Type 1 wouldn’t be possible due to the lack of documentation on BCM’s for example, but some other platforms, such as IOMD and possibly some of the newer bespoke RISCOS platforms might be achievable.
Dejavu…I’m sure you asked that exact same question when this project was last mentioned :) |
You don’t have to deal with this. Qemu is – as RPCEmu – a complete emulator.
Correct… but unmodified. Else: problems. |
As for performance, 1 million OS_LeaveOS calls takes 6.1 seconds and an IOMD32 ROM build (without Internet module) with DDE24 on a BTRFS filesystem on an encrypted SDHC card takes about 12 minutes of CPU time (about 2.5 minutes user mode, 9.5 minutes Linux kernel) on my ASUS C100P Chromebook Flip clocked at 1.6Ghz. Where that 9.5 minutes is going is a good question, one guess is SWI dispatch. Performance under QEMU is poor, I suspect this may be because RISC OS (programs) often alter pages containing code, which causes QEMU to flush translated instructions. Typical Linux programs however keep code in non-writeable pages, and data in non-executable pages. The QEMU patch is needed to intercept SWI calls which would otherwise be interpreted as Linux system calls, and to disable the incomplete FPA emulation so that RISC OS FPEmulator can work. I, along with other developers, have made several fixes to signal handling in QEMU that were needed to run RISC OS. Perhaps this change could also be included in QEMU. RISC OS can not run on QEMU user mode without the patch (unless one were to eliminate all the SWI calls), this port should run on Linux on QEMU system emulation, running RISC OS directly on QEMU system emulation is another subject entirely!
OS_EnterOS, OS_LeaveOC, OS_IntOn, and OS_IntOff work. I don’t know how many RISC OS programs use privileged operations.
Yes, starting with the security hole in Fileswitch. I would like feed at it all back.
No, R12 is clearly overwritten by reloading the saved registers from CallBackRegs, and then not so obviously used by loading r12 from CallBackRegs as CallBackRegs is r12 based. This code is not used under para-virtualisation due to conditional assembly. |
Ummm… A spy may then read said memory contents by examining the disc, You know, if we were worried about that sort of thing, we wouldn’t be using RISC OS! After all, why examine the disc in the hope of discovering memory contents when one can issue a single SWI to get “God Mode”1? ;-) Far more logical to say that the buffer contents should be cleared so what’s there is what the program intended, and not whatever random junk was in memory. It’s easier to debug when things are regular and known, don’tcha think? 1 Way back when I wrote a program to extract Econet passwords by examining the memory used by the password entry Templates. It was harder to get it to look at the right time than it was to extract the information from memory! |
(whereas this would seem to be a bug/limitation in the paravirtualisation) You’re right – I was mistakenly thinking that R12 was a banked register and it was the (lack of) user-mode LDM/STM that was causing things to go wrong. I think I was mainly in disbelief that the bug could have gone unnoticed until now – unless the situation for triggering that code path on a normal RISC OS machine is so rare that people would hardly ever see it (and most of the time it would probably load a bogus PSR, making any resulting crash hard to diagnose) Well spotted! |
The Taskwindow bug is triggered by a race condition involving callback being triggered immediately before a task switch, and the use of callbacks in Taskwindow compatible programs is rare, except for handling escape keypresses which would occur after a task switch.
As was I surprised to find the bogus call to OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas when creating a code variable.
Because one only has the disc they picked up at the club meeting :-) |
I would really hope that such disc would be erased1 and then formatted.
Isn’t R12 considered the private workspace pointer in most of those sorts of calls? Maybe at that level R12 is considered a “trashable” register |
This caught my eye, it sounds like an awesome achievement. |
That’s right. It needs AcornC.C++ on Linux to build. Builds and runs Ok on ARM Linux and Intel Linux. git clone RISC_OS_Dev git checkout Linux make ./Test_Boot Test_Boot automatically downloads and builds/intalls the required dependencies. Then runs RISC OS in an SDL2 window. |
Starting phase install_rom … HAL_Linux (mixed.Linux.HAL)… this is where the build ends after some time of compiling. (which was amazing to see on the linux console :-) ) |
Renaming diff,ff8 to diff in mixed/RiscOS/Library/GNU fixes this. |
LinuxSyscalls (mixed.Linux.Syscalls)… apparently I needed to get the headers from my kernel in the right place. Would have inserted a screenshot here if that was possible. Very well done!! This has been on my mind for a very long time. |
are these values correct? |
Sounds plausible. The fastest overall current ARM based system (RapidO Ig) reports processor as 2090%, Draw fill 1157% & FS write 1329% Figures from Chris Hall What System/CPU were you using? |
Any idea what’s going on here?
Edit: Solved by installing the package ‘libattr1-dev’. |
Since it’s mathematically dubious to average percentages for things measured in different units, the table would suggest:
Of 18 categories, there’s a more prevalent metallic element in the overall top spot. |
The laptop (Acer Chromebook) I use is based on Nvidia Tegra K1 (4x Cortex A15 @ 2.0 Ghz). Which makes me want to ask the question: how do I tell the Linux port of RISC OS to use more than 16 MB memory? |
Interesting.. the max wimpslot is 16MB. However starting an app with 16MB yields 16MB free. |
The 5432EVM & RapidO Ig use the same OMAP5432 SoC! Why there is any difference for many of the benchmarks is a mystery to me. The CPU in the 5432EVM, RapidO Ig & Titanium are all the same! I’m quite willing to admit that there is not much to choose between all three. I am biased as to which I think is best:-) |
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