ZeroPain in SharedCLibrary ?
André Timmermans (100) 655 posts |
While running a specific file with KinoAmp I profuce a ZeroPain with some SharedCLibrary code at top of stack from a section of of code which does not call the CLib so I wondre what is happening here.
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
I’m reminded of this problem from a few years ago. Is it still the case that you’ve got assembler code in KinoAmp that’s using fp, sp, or sl as general-purpose registers? The crash is here, where it’s trying to load the PC from a stack frame, suggesting KinoAmp is using fp for something. |
André Timmermans (100) 655 posts |
Indeed, IIRC there are assembler calls in there that maybe mimic a little bit too much C entry calls. |