Interrupt hole in VProtect
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
While examining a stack dump I spotted the following code which VProtect copies onto the stack and uses to RMLoad/RMRun modules: MOV R0,#&0A MOV R1,R7 SWI XOS_Module BVS error CMP R3,#0 MOVEQ R0,#2 MOVEQ R2,R5 MOVEQ R1,#&7800 SWIEQ XOS_Module .error MOV R13,R4 STRVS R0,[R13,#0] LDMIA R13!,{R0-R7,PC}The code is entered with R13 pointing at the start of the code, so that’s nice and safe; however R4 points to the stacked registers which are just after the end of the code. So if an interrupt occurs after the MOV R13,R4 and before the LDMIA, and the IRQ handler switches to SVC mode for something, the last one/two instructions on the stack will get overwritten, resulting in a crash if the I-cache line for that area also gets evicted. Admittedly the chances of a receiving an interrupt during those last two instructions is pretty slim, and (as far as I know) I’ve never encountered a crash due to this bug, but I figured it was worth mentioning now that I’ve spotted it. |
WPB (1391) 352 posts |
I’m going to put my hand up and ask to be educated! Can anyone explain in more detail why this is unsafe? I don’t quite follow. |
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
Using a fictional stack starting at &100, the stack would look something like this once the code has been copied onto it: &AC MOV R0,#&0A &B0 MOV R1,R7 &B4 SWI XOS_Module &B8 BVS &D0 &BC CMP R3,#0 &C0 MOVEQ R0,#2 &C4 MOVEQ R2,R5 &C8 MOVEQ R1,#&7800 &CC SWIEQ XOS_Module &D0 MOV R13,R4 &D4 STRVS R0,[R13,#0] &D8 LDMIA R13!,{R0-R7,PC} &DC (stacked R0) &E0 (stacked R1) &E4 (stacked R2) &E8 (stacked R3) &EC (stacked R4) &F0 (stacked R5) &F4 (stacked R6) &F8 (stacked R7) &FC (stacked PC) On entry to the code, R13 will be &AC, and R4 will be &DC. Up until &D0, R13 is <= PC, so the code which is on the stack and currently being executed is safe from being overwritten. But once the instruction at &D0 has been executed R13 will have been updated to &DC, leaving the not-yet-executed code at &D4 and &D8 in danger of being overwritten if anything else uses the SVC stack during that time. |
WPB (1391) 352 posts |
Thanks, Jeffrey. That makes a bit more sense. Is this code already running in SVC mode? So R13 is pointing at the SVC stack? If so, I think I get it. What would cause an interrupt routine to start using the SVC stack rather than the IRQ stack? |
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
Calling a SWI would be the main (only?) cause. |
Ben Avison (25) 445 posts |
Ah, beat me to it! There are two main reasons for switching to SVC mode in an interrupt handler: the main one is if you want to call a SWI. Otherwise, there’s a significant danger that some SVC mode code was active when the interrupt fired, and the foreground’s R14_svc will be corrupted if the interrupt handler doesn’t switch to SVC mode and stack R14 before calling a SWI. The other one is if you want to re-enable interrupts within an interrupt handler. One effect this has is that you can no longer use BL because R14_irq can be corrupted at any time. It’s possible to work around this by using (for example) MOV R12,PC then B subroutine, but notably no C compilers (to my knowledge) have ever been able to generate such code. For these two reasons, any interrupt handler written in C will run in SVC mode – CMHG generates all the necessary assembler magic to make the switch and back again. |
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
Yes, of course. I’m not sure how I forgot about that one. |
WPB (1391) 352 posts |
Thanks, guys – much appreciated. So what’s the solution? Disable interrupts before the MOV R13,R4? Or use another register (R8?) to copy R4 into before popping R0-R7, only updating R13 to recover the space used on the stack as the very last instruction that affects the return? |
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
Disabling interrupts would be one solution, but that would complicate things because after restoring the registers you’d have to find a way to return from the stack and re-enable IRQs in just one instruction. This would probably end up being MOVS PC,R14, with R14/SPSR set up appropriately (hence complicating things, since – if the code is written for 26 & 32bit targets, you’d need a different approach for each)
Using another register to store R8 wouldn’t help, since that would be one more register that needs restoring on exit. There are a couple of easy solutions I can think of. Either have the desired R13 value (i.e. &100) stored as part of the stack frame, so you can do this: STRVS R0,[R4,#0] LDMIA R4,{R0-R7,R13,PC} Or rearrange the stack frame so that the PC value is stored below the copied code, with R13 pointing at it, so you can do this: STRVS R0,[R4,#0] LDMIA R4,{R0-R7} LDR PC,[R13],#xxx The first approach is perhaps the easiest, as it avoids you needing to calculate the right value of ‘xxx’. Unfortunately ARM have deprecated LDM/STM with R13 in the register list, so it might stop working at some point (ARMv8?). But I wouldn’t worry about it too much, since the standard way of returning from an APCS function is to pop the stack frame (including R13) from the stack using a single LDM – so if ARM do decide to break LDM {…R13…} we’ll lose binary compatability with all existing C programs. Compared to that, VProtect not working would just be a minor issue! |
Ben Avison (25) 445 posts |
This is painfully obvious every time you assemble any code written to use the frame pointer with the latest version of objasm, of course. I was tempted to disable the warning about that particular deprecated instruction because of that, but in the end I came down on the side of leaving it in. At least that means more people will be aware of that potential compatibility timebomb that ARM have stored up for us. I really hope that it’s just ARM’s way of pointing out that there’s no equivalent encoding for that instruction in Thumb-2 code, and so any attempt to reassemble the code for a CPU that only has Thumb-2 but not ARM instruction set support will fail. Of course, trying to make RISC OS support such CPUs would be an even bigger challenge again than" just" losing binary compatibility will all existing C programs! |
Rick Murray (539) 13850 posts |
Any particular reason why ARM have taken the step of deprecating R13? I suppose they could use the register bit as some sort of flag, but it would risk screwing up processor compatibility with older code, leading to the potential of a pile of quirky hard to find bugs (a little like the rotated loads issue). |
Jeffrey Lee (213) 6048 posts |
It’s in the ARMv7-AR ARM. I don’t think they’ve given any justification for it, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s part of their general movement to make R13 a special register instead of a general-purpose one (IIRC in issue B of the ARMv7 ARM they tried deprecating the use of R13 in several other ways, until someone managed to talk them out of it and they went back on it in issue C). |
Rick Murray (539) 13850 posts |
Ah, it looks like they are finally codifying R13 as the Stack Pointer [p45 of 2734!]. Argh! They refer to them as a register file ! I first saw this use in a PIC documentation and I hated it then. Why can’t registers just be registers? There’s no “file” about it. I can’t read or write data from a block or stream, there’s no FIFO, it’s just a bunch of registers. IT IS NOT A FILE! Grrrr-argh! |
WPB (1391) 352 posts |
Just realised I haven’t thanked you guys for taking the time to explain this. All clear now, though I’m not sure I’d be astute enough to notice the problem in the first place. I guess “running code on stack” = “watch out!” |