!Omni Client + Windows 2003 Shares
Hi! I’m relatively new to RISC OS. I run RISC OS 5.19 on the Raspberry PI – Model B. I’m trying to get the !Omni Client to connect to a Windows 2003 Server’s share. I’ve set up a simple share “temp” which allows everyone and a user “riscos” full access. If I try to connect using “riscos” (or using no username / pw) I always get the error message ‘connection rejected by server’. I’ve searched google and this forum. There are several articles describing how to set up smb/cifs networking for Windows 3.11 or 95/95. But that seems not suitable for Windows 2003 / xp anymore. Can anyone please point me to a page where setting up smb / cifs networking is described or help me on that? |
I am a bit out of topic… I bet you would be better with NFS shares (from SFU Services For UNIX). Since a long time ago I m using NFS shares on my Linux, as I had a lot of troubles with various OS (like eComStation)… NFS works like charm with the !Sunfish RISC-OS client. cheers |
If you understand german language, maybe this http://www.arcsite.de/magazin/praxis/winnfs/index.html helps. Or look at arcsie.de. They are many other helping points. |
OK thank you both for your replies. Seems NFS3 might be the best solution for network file sharing at the moment. I’m going after that next year :-) In the meantime I managed to get my fritz.box router to act as a samba-server. As long as I run it in unauthenticated mode I can access the SMB shares using the !Omni Client. Seems the Omni Client cannot handle the authentification required by Windows 2003 anymore…? Is it worth writing a Feature Request in the bug tracker for that? |
I seem to remember that LanManFS cannot handle the type of authentication that is requested by default on newer Windows machines. I think it will always end passwords unencrypted or something like that. Also IIRC, LanMan98 fixes this. Here is what I found in the newsgroups as a workaround: change EnablePlainTextPassword" from 0 to 1 quit and reboot. On an Mac OSX machine you need to edit the etc\smbconf-file go to [GLOBAL] and change “encrypt passwords = yes” to “encrypt passwords = no” reboot OSX. |
Thanks Steffen for those hints. Maybe then it’s time to file a feature request for Omni. Thinking of LanMan98: I’m not going to spend >40€ for a tool like that. |
I’m not sure I follow why that would help, since LanManFS is the client (“workstation” in Microsoft parlance) and the PC is the server. To check, I deleted this key from my WinXP SP3 machine, rebooted it, and both of the currently plugged in RISC OS 5.19 machines happily connected. I admit my PC may have had some other key set (nothing looks out of place in Services\LanManServer nor the Control\LSA keys) which may be important, but I’m reasonably sure the EnablePlainTextPassword is a red herring. Personally, I use the guest account (having set a password for the guest account using “net user guest pa$$w0rd”). For more info type “net help user” at a DOS prompt. |
Two questions come to mind: 2. pa$$w0rd is reasonably easy for password cracking tools, K3rfuff1958 is more difficult as the base “word” isn’t a dictionary word. One at work is the initials of a blues song lyric which amuses the boss. Case shift and numbers make it damned awkward. On the subject of the registry key – “CurrentControlSet” has at least one alternate with CurrentControlSet mapping onto ControlSet01 or ControlSet02 etc in a rotation. In some cases you need a couple of reboots to ensure the value isn’t there anymore. |