Is this a quirky compiler bug?
I’m using compiler The following code is in use: if ( some_condition_or_other ) { int sizes[26]; sizes[0] = main_window; sizes[3] = -1; sizes[4] = -1; __asm { MOV R0, 11 // Read window size information MOV R1, sizes SWI (SWI_Wimp_Extend + XOS_Bit), {R0,R1}, {}, {PSR} } debug("sizes: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d...\n", sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2], sizes[3], sizes[4], sizes[5]); rborder = sizes[3]; tborder = sizes[4]; if ( rborder == -1 ) rborder = 40; // actual value for this window read from my Pi if ( tborder == -1 ) tborder = 40; // ditto // ...etc... } What I’m doing is trying to get the sizes of certain parts of the window, specifically the size of the title bar and right scroll bar, in order to provide correction for window opening positions. I’m using -1 to detect cases where this call isn’t supported to push in a default value. Problem is, this code returns: sizes: 542164089, 0, 327, -1, -1, 454... Now, the weird thing is that if I copy the debug call to do it twice in a row, then this happens: sizes: 542170073, 2, 40, -1, -1, 38... sizes: 542170073, 2, 40, 40, 40, 38... Solutions? Several options.
Is this normal behaviour?
PS: No comments about using inline assembler please. My DeskLib doesn’t have this call and I’ve not gotten around to adding it. Using inline assembler is, for me, the simplest way to do a SWI call when there’s no corresponding library function to use. |
Not a bug. Compiler hasn’t been given a hint that the sizes array content has been modified, so Myself I tend to put trivial asm blocks like this in inline functions; problem never arises. |
Get the compiler to spit out assembler listing to see the actual code which has been generated. |
Druck – the sort of messy stuff you’d expect from a compiler. I had to go back quite a way to spot where the MVN for -1 was… quite a way back actually. 0000F314 : .‘àã : E3E09000 : MVN R9,#0 0000F318 : .‘¨å : E5A89008 : STR R9,[R8,#8]! 0000F31C : ®..ë : EB0007AE : BL &000111DC ; call: grid_createcaret 0000F320 : .0 ã : E3A03000 : MOV R3,#0 0000F324 : .0-å : E52D3004 : STR R3,[R13,#-4]! ; all of this guff is for sorting 0000F328 : 0’”í : ED959130 : LDFD F1,[R5,#192] ; out the size to send to SetExtent 0000F32C : Ŵ¡flí : ED9FA181 : LDFD F2,&0000F538 0000F330 : .. ã : E3A01000 : MOV R1,#0 0000F334 : ŵ1.î : EE113182 : MUFD F3,F1,F2 0000F338 : s..î : EE100173 : FIXZ R0,F3 0000F33C : .0€â : E2803002 : ADD R3,R0,#2 0000F340 : ŷ.ŷà : E0860186 : ADD R0,R6,R6,LSL #3 0000F344 : ..€à : E0800206 : ADD R0,R0,R6,LSL #4 0000F348 : .. á : E1A00100 : MOV R0,R0,LSL #2 0000F34C : (.€â : E2800028 : ADD R0,R0,#&28 ; ="(" 0000F350 : . `â : E2602000 : RSB R2,R0,#0 0000F354 : .”å : E5950020 : LDR R0,[R5,#32] 0000F358 : `..ë : EB001660 : BL &00014CE0 ; call: Window_SetExtent 0000F35C : .”å : E5950020 : LDR R0,[R5,#32] 0000F360 : .Йâ : E28DD004 : ADD R13,R13,#4 0000F364 : .. á : E1A0100D : MOV R1,R13 0000F368 : ...ë : EB001C7F : BL &0001656C ; Somewhere around here we should also 0000F36C : Ø..ë : EB001CD8 : BL &000166D4 ; be calling GetWindowState, turning the 0000F370 : ¬ ”å : E59520AC : LDR R2,[R5,#172] ; Hourglass off, and setting a value TRUE. 0000F374 : .0 ã : E3A03001 : MOV R3,#1 ; <--- which is probably this ;) 0000F378 : ¤0Ŷå : E58530A4 : STR R3,[R5,#164] 0000F37C : ..Rã : E3520000 : CMP R2,#0 ; Now we start the "if (something)" block 0000F380 : Ò... : 0A0000D2 : BEQ &0000F6D0 ; skip over it if false 0000F384 : ´aflå : E59F61B4 : LDR R6,&0000F540 ; otherwise here goes the above code 0000F388 : ..„å : E5961000 : LDR R1,[R6,#0] 0000F38C : 0”å : E5953020 : LDR R3,[R5,#32] 0000F390 : \‘-å : E52D905C : STR R9,[R13,#-92]! 0000F394 : .0-å : E52D300C : STR R3,[R13,#-12]! 0000F398 : €@Aâ : E2414080 : SUB R4,R1,#&80 ; ="€" 0000F39C : .‘™å : E58D9010 : STR R9,[R13,#16] 0000F3A0 : .. ã : E3A0000B : MOV R0,#&0B ; =11 0000F3A4 : .. á : E1A0100D : MOV R1,R13 0000F3A8 : û..ï : EF0600FB : SWI XWimp_Extend 0000F3AC : .0‡å : E59D3014 : LDR R3,[R13,#20] 0000F3B0 : . á : E1A02009 : MOV R2,R9 0000F3B4 : .. á : E1A01009 : MOV R1,R9 0000F3B8 : ..-é : E92D000E : STMDB R13!,{R1-R3} 0000F3BC : .0™â : E28D300C : ADD R3,R13,#&0C ; =12 0000F3C0 : ..›è : E893000E : LDMIA R3,{R1-R3} 0000F3C4 : ^.•â : E28F0F5E : ADR R0,&0000F544 ; -> string: "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d." 0000F3C8 : ãÿë : EBFFE3AD : BL &00008284 ; call: debug 0000F3CC : .Йâ : E28DD00C : ADD R13,R13,#&0C ; =12 0000F3D0 : .€‡å : E59D800C : LDR R8,[R13,#12] 0000F3D4 : .p‡å : E59D7010 : LDR R7,[R13,#16] 0000F3D8 : ..xã : E3780001 : CMN R8,#1 0000F3DC : (€ . : 03A08028 : MOVEQ R8,#&28 ; ="(" 0000F3E0 : .”å : E5950020 : LDR R0,[R5,#32] 0000F3E4 : ..wã : E3770001 : CMN R7,#1 0000F3E8 : (p . : 03A07028 : MOVEQ R7,#&28 ; ="(" If I omit the debug() call, then the compiler over-optimises to this… 0000F3A4 : û..ï : EF0600FB : SWI XWimp_Extend 0000F3A8 : (‘ ã : E3A09028 : MOV R9,#&28 ; ="(" 0000F3AC : (p ã : E3A07028 : MOV R7,#&28 ; ="(" ;) That’s what makes me wonder if there’s some sort of quirky bug at play here. I could understand if it decided that the value was -1 and just optimised to that which, as Stuart says, is the compiler not spotting that the values have changed… but differing behaviour on whether or not the value is printed out before it is used? Why…? |
Except the irony here is if you’d just written
it would have avoided the problem that for inline assembler the compiler has no clue why you’re passing |
It does now, now that the compiler has been extended to understand swix.
That’s the solution I settled on. |