Sockets bug?
After 30 days of good work, WebJames stops running with this message ‘unable to listen on any socket’. A reboot solve the problem. Is there a solution? Does anyone know if a CLI tool can reboot the system (the right way, so shut all, then reboot)? If WebJames quit again, I could set up an “automatic reboot” alarm (with AppEnsure). Problem (another one), with a warm reboot, my PandaBoard ES has some abort on data transfer. Does this fix, with a modern U-Boot, could solve this? Now the server is rebooted, so we have time :) |
1. Fix the socket code so it doesn’t leave sockets in an usable state when an error occurs? 2. Hope someone produces something like SocketManager in 32 bit form? |
In fact, WebJames did not hang. It stopped working because there is no usable socket available. Not sure it’s coming from WebJames. Probably something between WebJames and the OS: too much people try to connect, there is no socket left, WebJames quits, sockets are still opened. Or something related to the NFS server. With an older RISC OS Rom (from february) I manage to make my server running from February to June (and then the system crashed completely). With Roms from April to July the system was very unstable. And since July, this new problem (twice, every 20-30 days). Of course, I can (and will) program an automatic reboot. Just need to know the name of the CLI tool that does this (I’m sure it exists, but I can’t remember the name). Problem: it will be no use since a warm reboot crashes the system. So my question around the last CVS change. I could also switch to a Raspberry Pi since network is now faster and warm reboots are working. It’s a difficult choice. And I’m probably the only one to use RISC OS as a webserver :) |
Of course a CLI command to close all sockets would be a solution too. |
You might need to look (or ask somebody else to look) at why so many sockets are being left open. That doesn’t sound right. As for shutdown and reboot…
I suspect a flaw in the socket allocation. I see open, I see close, but I don’t see a close if the client breaks the connection. I’m not sure. Thanks for the shutdown tip. Just need to prey for a less buggy warm reboot, or to find à PSU for my Pi :) |
Have a copy of SocketManager by David Thomas – running on a RPC RO5.21. |
Ah-ha. That could do it, yes.
If you run your Pi from a proper (PC style) power supply, CJE do a little widget that can reboot in a power-cycle fashion. Over to Chris for info….. :-) |
So the copy of the IServices module1 inside is 32 bit? I wasn’t aware anyone had done the update. 1 Author: Justin Fletcher. So many roads lead to Justin… |
Chris? Where are you? :)
Is it available somewhere online? I could perhaps use it to close all sockets before launching WebJames again (if I manage to use IServices from CLI). |
Sorry I managed to miss it. Anyway full details are at: They as you will expect ‘In Stock’:-) |
Thanks for the information. |