Alarm update
I have a small problem. I have an alarm loaded on start up. But sometimes, I just get the message “alarm is being updated”, and the computer stops here. Annoying for a server :) Nota: I never change the Alarm details. It’s a fixed alarm (check every minute if server is down, then reboot). |
Strange, I don’t see that message in the Messages file (;content-type=text%2Fplain) nor in the source…? |
No. I just load a previously saved alarm file. I suspect that after the alarm, the file is updated – it’s a repeating one – to go to next alarm hour and date (here alarm+1min). Probably that the same is done when the file with good parameters, but an old time out, is loaded. Don’t know. The message appears in a borderless windows. A simple clic, and everything will work. Problem: at boot, my server will not click on the message. So Wimp is halted. With an ‘every’ command in BBC Basic I could code what I need in 5 minutes :) Nota, “This alarm is being updated |
Oh dear, Mr. Hudd will be most disappointed you didn’t think of his work where you can wait for a condition to be true |
Ah, template file. I didn’t look there as I’m looking at this stuff on my phone (and templates are not textual). |
I too have a repeating alarm loaded on startup. When I transhipped everything to a RPi 2 a week ago, like you I got a message I had to click before startup would complete. I forget what the message said, but it may have been the same. Anyway, the problem was fixed by going into Alarm→Choices and ticking the option that says ‘Automatically update the alarm database’. Have you tried this? |
Good to know.
Not better here: I did check under Windows.
Seems to solve the problem. Thanks Richard! I just regret that the SmartDriver does not work very well with a Pandaboard non-ES. Frequencies are 1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 GHz. They should begin with 800 MHz (anyway, it works well at 1 GHz). |
Dammit. New update this morning, Wimp blocked again. After reboot, Alarm file is erased. Seems to work when a keyboard is connected, not when it’s not the case. Anyway, why Alarm tries to update my file? |
I still have problems :( I suspect two things: first, a bug with the update alert window, that can’t be closed by the application when no keyboard is present. Second, a problem at boot, when date is not set (no RTC present), and so Alarm wants to update the database (probably when the date is changed)… Anyway, problem is simple: update of database = Wimp is blocked. Is there a way to force Alarm to never update the database? Perhaps I should try Organiser to see if a similar problem is present with recurrent task alarms. |