Please insert card ....
Running RO 5.21 on an RPi2. My SD card is called RISCOSpi. Every now and then, apropos of nothing at all seemingly, an error dialog appears saying “Please insert card RISCOSpi”. I click OK or Cancel several times and the dialog box goes away. I check the card with DiscKnight and it says the card is good. Can anybody explain what is going on? |
Does it definitely say "Please insert card RISCOSpi”? I’ve seen it say "Please insert card RISCOSp” quite a few times, ie. missing off the last letter of the disc name. I think this may be some obscure bug in SDFS somewhere. I’ve seen it with various differently named SD cards too. |
Thanks. I will look out for that next time it happens. |
My Raspberry-Pi B+ running RISC OS v5.23 has just exhibited this behaviour several times when copying files over the LAN. The SD card is named R-Pi_Bplus and either at the start of copying or part way through an error message comes up with something like “Please insert Disc R-Pi_Bplu”, missing off the last character. I see from the RISC OS 5 User Guide that the disc name is just within the length restriction of 10 characters. Funnily enough, I would have named the SD card R-Pi_B+ , but had a problem application with a + sign at the end of its directory name and wouldn’t run on one computer (but does on others) until I removed the + . According to the User Guide a + sign in a filename or disc name is not banned. I might try renaming the SD card as R-Pi_B+ well within the length restriction. I see that Gavin’s SD card name is near the length limit. Is the system truncating the disc name somewhere? |
Why not remove the hyphen/dash – the 2nd character – and see what happens. It doesn’t really add much to the readability! |
I have RISC OS 5.28 and have received Message from SDFS please insert card RISCOSpi on a few occasions my mouse pointer is stuck in the dialogue box and there is no response when I click OK or cancel, have to reboot :( |