Freeware Email Client for Risc OS Open
Matteo (1478) 105 posts |
Hi, Thanks |
Trevor Johnson (329) 1645 posts |
Possibly not.1 [Edit: Mozilla Thunderbird, but this may not be up-to-date.] 1 ARMv7 software compatibility list, Recommended software at |
Jess Hampshire (158) 865 posts | The free version may not be updated to run on Arm 7, it should run on RISC OS open on other processors (which may be of no use, since I understand you have a Beagle) |
Michael Drake (88) 336 posts | Not sure about ARMv7 compatibility. Maybe worth contacting the author. |
Matteo (1478) 105 posts |
Ops tried TapirMail close when saveing the configuration, Thunderbird freeze the system before starting. : ( |
Andrew Rawnsley (492) 1445 posts |
Freeware for ARMv7 basically means TapirMail (it should work). Otherwise, you have Messenger Pro etc from us, but that’s commercial. |
Matteo (1478) 105 posts |
The Armini software suite have also email and browser? thank you |
Doug Webb (190) 1180 posts |
I have tried TapirMail 1.04 and it does work on the Beagleboard with RISC OS 5.19 dated 10th April 12, but alignment exceptions must be set to off. You will need a little application, called !AlignEx to set this for you that can be found at: Note it will only receive emails as you need to register the product and pay a nominal fee to unlock the email sending part of the product. I’ll leave Andrew and RComp to answer your other question, suffice to say they have some very good products that run on the latest RISC OS and hardware. |
Matteo (1478) 105 posts |
Thanks |