AUN not configured
Frederick Bambrough (1372) 837 posts |
I suspect this is normal & that I just haven’t noticed before. On the initialisation display I see ‘Error: AUN not configured’. It’s correct – AUN isn’t in use. 22/5 ROM. |
Sprow (202) 1158 posts |
If the message comes out amongst all the “init mod” text then you can safely ignore it: no distinction is made between a failure to start a module due to an actual error (like “out of memory”) and a decision by the module to not start after autodetecting (like “AUN not configured”). They both just print out errors. You don’t mention which hardware this is on, but if it’s a Beagleboard then the thing that changed recently was to set up the video mode earlier so your monitor is syncing fast enough to see the “init mod” text now, it’s always been there (for development versions anyway). |
Frederick Bambrough (1372) 837 posts |
BB -xM. That’ll be me being unobservant then. Else the wetware video has had a clock speed update. |