New Account Setup
I must inform all fellow users of RISC OS OPEN that I am setting up a new account because I lost all password data and I cannot change the password in this account. |
Why can’t you change the password? If you can post, you can log in. |
Angel, wait! ANGEL NO! There’s likely another way around this. Perhaps the RIDC OS OPEN site admins can change your password for you, or change the enail address associated with your account if that is necessary. It would be unfortunate if you lost your account with over a year of posting history. |
Thanks, Patrick M, but I didn’t get links in my earlier e-mail account to reset my password. So I created a new one. I was transferring files from a rather old external hard drive, a 1TB Seagate Replica, which never worked correctly on my Apple Mac Mini on Mac OS (though it did work with Ubuntu) to a pen drive. Since the Replica was able to be accessed with a Windows computer (I tried an HP Envy,) I though I was going to be able to copy the files from the Replica drive and into my Kingston pen drive. For whatever the reason, Windows reformatted my pen drive despite the fact that I didn’t opt for reformatting it. I stored my important information there and it all got lost, including passwords for my various internet accounts. Anyway, again, thanks for your help! |