Reverse engineering with Ghidra
I’ve given Ghidra a quick test against a RISCOS Module and it appears to produce semi-legible C code. It doesn’t directly support RISCOS, but does cater for all varieties of ARM version. To be really useful, it would need extending to understand RO Module headers etc, but that aside, being able to click on a section of assembler and see a rough C equivalent of it, is quite useful in itself. Its a massive suite (770MB), which requires JRE and JDK and looks like it may have the ability to specify a CLib to reference against and is extendable. |
Hi Jon, What settings did you use for Language and Compiler Specs? I am trying to decompile an Absolute file. Thanks |
Good grief…I can’t remember that far back sorry. I don’t have it to hand to check, but I’ll see if its still on one of my old development machines. As I mentioned in my post, it needs extending to support CLib if you want something beyond just trying to vaguely figure out what code is doing. |
Given the number of major version increments it has gone through in the intervening years, and the current capabilities, you might well be talking about entirely different setups. |