Kaleidoscope in BASIC
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A superb graphic featuring numerous triangles to form a kaleidoscope of colour. Original program created in BBC BASIC for the Electron. Subsequently re-written to run on BB4W, then converted back to RISC OS BASIC to run on the latest ARM hardware to improve the graphic rendering quality. The only deprecated section of the program is line 170 containing a ‘GOTO’ which ‘exits’ the inner FOR-NEXT loop – is there a better way of doing this? Author’s name: unknown. |
Change the GOTO 170 to K%=7 |
That’s not hugely satisfying from a clarity point of view, though. The original code seems to have been:
(ugh!) which suggests that the aim was to loop once in the event that I think I’d suggest this as a cleaner way to do it, which is a lot clearer as to the intent:
The whole thing is still very much 1983, though. How many single-character variables can we stick on a line? :) |
I suppose it comes down to things you can do to optimise on a system with a (in modern terms) limited memory space and slow processor. |
My programming is probably still very much 1983 too – because that’s what I’m thoroughly familiar with, and it works. Well – I’ve not used GOTO since well before 1983, and I often use meaningful variable, procedure & function names, but otherwise… (often, not always – anything of only very local and obvious relevance is liable to be a single character…) |
You’ve mentioned most of my criteria for decent BASIC there. Comments, decent structure and multi-statement lines only where they improve clarity would be others. I’m sure that you’re doing them, too.
Aren’t the A%-Z% integer variables supposed to be faster in BBC BASIC? Important back in BBC Micro times to get the most out of some routines. |
Going with Steve is certainly best for this problem, but in general an early exit from the middle of a loop can most easily be done by putting it into a PROCedure and using ENDPROC. This ensures that the stack is cleared correctly, which will not happen with the original GOTO code. A very artificial example: DEFPROCnextloop FOR i%=1 TO 10 PRINT i% IF i%=5 THEN ENDPROC PRINT i%^2 NEXT i% ENDPROC
Fixed that. ;-)
+1 indeed.
Any advantage in ARM BBC BASIC is tiny, although it could be significant in BASIC II. In a reasonably tight loop there is even less, or no, advantage because of the way BASIC caches the values of variables. Something similar applies to PROC/FN names. |
Indeed, and the only thing that would have made me write anything like that would have been hitting memory limits. |
DEFPROCnextloop FOR i%=1 TO 10 PRINT i% IF i%=5 THEN ENDPROC PRINT i%^2 NEXT i% ENDPROC But then it won’t compile. (unless you put the GOTO back) < ducks quickly > |
Originally it would, I think, because the first GOTO skipped the FOR statement, while the second skipped the NEXT? In effect there was no FOR NEXT loop at all. However, you’re correct that as presented at the start of this thread, with the first GOTO in the pair commented out, the stack would have got a bit confused. As I said, ugh! :) |
Compile? This is BASIC! :) |
Steve pointed out there were 2 GOTO statements. Not knowing what this section was doing I REMmed out the first GOTO and it still worked – bad idea obviously! Having looked at Steve’s example (no dreaded GOTOs) it is by far the easiest to understand. GOTO statements are an abomination – I’ve looked at many of the earlier BBC BASIC programs using them and few seem to make any sense, and almost impossible to modify. Perhaps because memory was at a premium programmers avoided comments. The remainder of the program reminds me of Jan Vibe’s numerous graphic offerings (make no mistake they were exceptional) but obscure variables and few comments make them difficult to edit. Thanks for all your informative replies. |
Wait… ABC can’t cope with multiple exit points? Why the hell not? Something I do a lot in my functions is to bail at the first opportunity. As a wholly made up example, consider a function to extract the image reference from an HTML image tag:
Those who dislike multiple exit points would have us suffer an twisted pile of nested conditionals simply to satisfy an entirely arbitrary perspective. Consider the first two cases – the function was called with no input or with something that isn’t an image tag. If this happens, then there isn’t the slightest bit of sense in attempting to run any of the rest of the function (even if that amounts to a big if block that is ignored). Simply be efficient and exit back to caller.
GOTO statements have their uses, but replacing any attempt at proper procedural programming isn’t one of them.
You can blame everybody else for that. You see, back in the eighties it was fairly popular to have books that had you do various programming tasks, such as the Osborne books like “Write your own adventure game”.
Yes, mostly that, but partly also that comments were an integral part of the program. Unlike, say, C or assembler where the comments only exist in the source, the BASIC is both the source and the executed 1, so the language needs to spot the comments in order to ignore them. There was one machine that, upon reaching a comment, would read it byte by byte asking “is this the end of the line”? BBC BASIC has the line length as part of the information at the start (along with the line number) so with any luck it simply did some quick maths to hop over to the next line. 1 BBC BASIC actually stores programs in memory and on disc in tokenised form, however it’s a simple two way process, so LIST will reproduce the original source even if it is tokenised in memory. |
Although on RISC OS, BASIC programs loaded outwith the BASIC command line will (by default) have For a properly structured program, the fact that BASIC caches things like the locations of FNs and PROCs after it’s seen them once will also help it skip some of the verbiage.
Most of the time. :) |
Unlike the RISCBasic complier, the ABC compiler is not language-compatable with interpreted BASIC. So you should not be surprised if it fails to handle intermediate ENDPROCs. For example ABC does not support LOCAL variables, only private variables, which fall out of context during PROC and FN calls unless included in those calls as parameters. |
Since ABC seems to be locked away in a tin – who wrote RISCBasic? |
Have you tested that? I have not, but my reading of the manual suggests that it should. Such exits are allowed within loop and conditional structures, but not in the body of the definition. A good read of chapter 4 of the manual, “ABC v BASIC interpreter”, is instructive. The phrase “certain small differences” is not borne out by what follows. ABC does not compile ARM BASIC, but a very similar dialect of BASIC. |
who wrote RISCBasic Silicon Vision Ltd. The latest version 3.25 (1-Jun-1995) was StrongARM compatable so works well on VRPC. It is also very useful for syntax checking a BASIC programme. Seems to be still active and run by foreigners all with the same surname (e.g. Shamina Naniadi). |
My recollection is that many (most?) of these were deliberately one-liners, so used all the tricks in the book to reduce size. Such brevity is a valid aim in itself, I think. |
Logged in to answer the question – only to see Chris has beaten me by only a few minutes. So I’ll go one better and add “Brian Pearson” to his Silicon Vision answer. Interesting point about VRPC – I wonder if I still have my copy of RiscBASIC? (I have a USB floppy drive, so if I do and it’s not an 800K disc, I can install it.) |
But only with BASIC$Crunch set for BASIC V, or has that changed recently?
The CRUNCH keyword has this Note: ‘The interpreter has been optimised for fully CRUNCHed programs.’ |
An alternative |
Not with that simple program, No. But, I am trying to comple a 188K Basic program with such multiple ENDPROCs and that will not compile. |
The ABC reference guide written by Paul Fellows (November 1988) which runs to some 148 pages explains that the DEFPROC statement must be the first non-space object on a line, each DEFPROC must have one and only one ENDPROC marking the end of the procedure code. Arrays and indirect expressions are not permitted as a parameter No LOCAL error handling is permitted, all error handling throws away any LOCAL variables and stack usage and does not know the original line number. But, I am trying to comple a 188K Basic program with such multiple ENDPROCs and that will not compile. Correct. The manual explains that ABC cannot do this. |
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