Does anybody else have trouble with !Zap and DDE now?
Recently I upgraded my Pi3 from 5.27 to 5.28 and started using the NutPi version of DDE. But I found that this causes !Zap (1.48 tim-01) to crash a lot. I upgraded my DDE subscription version from my RPC and installed that on the Pi, !Zap crashes less now but its still not really usable. If I don’t run AcornC/C++.!SetPaths the aforementioned version of !Zap does not crash but is still slightly broken in that a triple click does not select a line, but all text from the start of the file to the line above. (1.48 tnk-7 on my SA RPC works properly). What would be the best version of !Zap for 5.28? I used to have a utility that would tell the module name and offset from the address of the last abort but I can’t remember what its name was or where it came from. If anybody remembers I will put that to work. Alan |
‘where’ is the utility you were thinking of … but I am not sure where to find it! Or, if you have my Reporter, Menu → Where will do the same thing and more. |
You’ll find !Zap in !Store, see how you get on. |
A version of *Where is built into 5.28. It is in the debugger module. |
Ah, I thought the output looked different when I used it this morning. |