Accessing SFTP servers with SecureView
There’s a new RISC OS application SecureView v0.01alpha available here. It has similar functionality and limitations to ShareView v0.06. At the moment only entering the IP address for the hostname works. See the !Help file for further details. |
It doesn’t work here. When I enter the same details as those in !ShareView, the program freezes the computer until I press Alt-Break – with or without User name, with or without Password. |
There’s a bug in SecureView which makes it hang if it can’t connect to the IP address entered. Most probably port 22 is blocked. |
And there’s another bug, probably. I can connect to my NAS, but it shows an empty window, no matter how often I try again and again. |
There’s not much error handling at the moment. If the folder doesn’t exist or the user logged on doesn’t have access to the folder you get a blank window instead of an error. |
But the folder does exist and I do have access to it. The same figures let !ShareView enter the NAS nicely. But okay, it’s alpha. I’ll have some patience. |
The full path needs to be entered. e.g /home/username. |
/home/username …? |
Your Windows shares are automatically accessible via SFTP? |
I don’t know, I never usid it. But it shares nicely via LanMan, LanMan98 and – recently – ShareView. |
You’re unlikely to be running a SFTP server on your Windows system, Paul? NAS, yeah. |
Indeed. If you want to access Windows shares then use ShareView. That’s what it’s for. |
There’s an updated version of SecureView (v0.02alpha) available here. New in this version, Added ‘Refresh’, ‘Open Parent’ and Display (sort by file name or date) menu options. |