Lockup issues with Beagle ROM 26th March 13
Hi I updated my ROM from 14th March 13 version to the latest 26th March one and all appears to work OK apart from when !Hermes attempts to collect email , it starts the fetch and download and then the hour glass comes on and the whole machine locks up and requires and reset. I can use !Netsurf , Newshound, !Messenger etc OK and it is only !Hermes that locks things up. Anyone else tried the latest devlopment ROM and had this issues? |
OK , I have some more information that may be useful. I had a lockup , again when Hermes was downloading, but this time an error came up and stated: “X SpamStamp – unrecoverable error in run time system: Not enough memory , malloc failed (heap overwritten)” So could it be SpamStamp 1.05 does not like the latest ROM version , 26th Mar 13? Reverting to 13th Mar 13 ROM and all is works again. |
Might be the recent fix to scanf() in the SharedCLibrary. This post implies that SpamStamp was relying on it not working – perhaps contact the author to tell them it has been fixed . |
I have V1.06 beta. It looks like it works with the new ROM. It was a short test. I not use this at this time. |
I emailed Jan-Jaap and he kindly sent me V106 beta which as Raik has found does work on the latest ROM. |