ScrapDir scrapped?
I think I must have missed a change in the way !Scrap works. Looking for why Netsurf 3 has issues I find that I now have three directories – ID3166a01, ID3166a0a & ScrapDir. The first has a datestamp of 02 Jan 1970 & I presume was generated when I had resolver issues with some of the ROM updates which prevented the time from being set. The second is dated 04 Feb 2013 & looks suspiciously like the changes made in RISC OS Select. Is this to do with a development towards multi-user? Which should I be using? Can I delete the others? Is there a description of the change somewhere? |
Typing ‘show Wimp$ScrapDir’ in a taskwindow will tell you the current one in use. The directory name is derived from Inet$LocalAddr which is your IP address in hex. So if you’re using DHCP it can change. |
Only three! I looked into Scrap earlier today and found 13 (yes 13) different scrap directories. This is on a BB using recent ROMs. I deleted the bloody lot, so await with interest what happens over the next few days. |
Isn’t that likely to cause problems? I know strictly speaking it’s ‘illegal’ but ISTR that one or two apps have been known to use Scrap as (semi) permanent storage.
Hmm, still seems to be using Scrapdir.
That might be because I’ve taken advantage of being able to fix the IP address. |
Thanks Chris I never knew that! I had often wondered why my scrap directory was full of scrap subdirectories with names in hex. Now it makes sense because it only happened since a few years ago when I upgraded to broadband using DHCP. I never did work out how to “fix” the IP address as everything I did in the configure didn’t work so I left it on DHCP…. |