SharedCLibrary with Iris and Python
Richard Ashbery (8349) 47 posts |
Python fails to work after Iris is loaded. Most of you know that both require different SharedCLibraries. Has the issue been fixed? |
Andrew Rawnsley (492) 1450 posts |
It should be fixed in RISC OS Direct, but as things stand this is really only possible by managing the versions of things. That’s main reason why Iris is only available in Direct for now – we can control the surrounding environment to ensure everything works together. If used outside of Direct (which we’re happy for you to do), the chances are you’ll have those kind of problems unfortunately. Basically this isn’t so much of a “is it fixed” issue as a “do the various programs compiled with different versions of libraries and compilers run into DLL-hell on your system or not”. It is possible to “fix it” on a given system, but obviously we cannot mess with peoples’ existing software installs. My suggestion – try the version of Iris included in Direct and see how you fare because you will also be able to see the master !SharedLibs we use in !Boot.Resources and which version of Python etc is being used. Together, you should be able to match it yourself. But, fundamentally, this is precisely why it is currently available for free as part of Direct, with a separate version to follow (because once a separate version is available, people will likely just download that, and complain when they have problems that would be fixed by using it as part of Direct). |
Richard Ashbery (8349) 47 posts |
Thanks Andrew – I’ll have a look at Direct. |