Test test
Testing! |
No posts for 20 hours, so testing – and it’s working. So where is everyone? |
Hands up who got stuck on SMBC? 🙋 |
I’m stuck on SMBC. Okay, I give in. What is SMBC? |
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Previous link… https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/quantum-4 |
This one amused me https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/autism-and-vaccines |
I like that! Excellent point! Not so keen on the quantum one – although it’s a point I’ve made once or twice, not sure whether here or elsewhere. “Best description” is a bit of a stretch: emergent properties are often more easily, and more productively, analysed at a much higher level of abstraction than the lowest (known…) – as anyone involved in computer programming ought to understand well enough. |
Clive, is that a reference to LaMDA and the former Google tech that thinks it is sentient because it is slightly better at ringing than previous efforts? |
Not intentionally, but you’re right it could have been. |
Sorry about that? I love the austism causes vaccines one, I didn’t remember it. |
This is how an organism – in this case, autism – propagates: autism causes vaccines, than vaccines cause autism. A vicious – or virtuous, depending on your point of view – circle. Or – heh heh heh – ever expanding spiral… |