Porting RiscOS to VisionFire (Risc V)
Jason H (9783) 1 post |
Hi, This is my first post on this site, so hello to evereyone (and thanks for any help that anyone gives). I wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of any work done to port RiscOS to a Risc V architecture. I’ve seen a few mentions of Risc V but no conclusions. I have a VisionFire 2 board on order so was interested to see how difficult it would be to get RiscOS running? Thanks in adavnce. Jason. |
Stuart Swales (8827) 1373 posts |
Very. Got upwards of five million to spare for the port? A much cheaper option to tinker with RISC OS right now is to buy compatible ARM hardware or run it in an emulator such as RPCEmu. Most of the bits that make RISC OS, well, RISC OS are written in 32 bit ARM assembler, which is not exactly portable™. To port it to anything other than a capable (it needs a MMU, and SVC mode) 32-bit ARM target would require a full rewrite in C. More bits? You also get to worry about which integers ought to be as wide as pointers… |