Pandaboard Graphics 'Crisper' Than the RPi
I have a Pandaboard and an RPi both apparently feeding the same Dell 1908FP? monitor via the DVI? input, at 1280 * 1024 resolution C16M and F57 via a cheapo HDMI switch box. HDMI cables to each box are otherwise identical, as are the RISC OS SD cards (apart from the different primary boot image files on the FAT16 partitions). The graphics being output from the Pandaboard seem to be slightly crisper than the RPi for the same screens. The anti-aliased acorn style fonts look neater, and less fuzzy on the Panda :-). For the first time I’m finding that the text using NetSurf to display this forum looks acceptable and not slightly blurred. So why the difference ? Is the RPi having to interpolate the graphics to fit them onto another resultion in the GPU and then again to output them at 1280 * 1024 ? Or what ? I expected the Pandaboard to be quicker than the RPi. I didn’t expect the text to be more readable on the screen… …or is it just my tired eyes imagining things ?? Ralph |
The Pi’s GPU will scale (Up or down) the screen output to what it thinks is the screens native mode, but it can get it wrong (Monitors EDID may not be detected or duff) To get the best results from the Pi, these all need to be the same: Checking 1 is easy If it is not then you may need to force the correct mode in config.txt |