C/C++ tool suite now just 50 GBP
Posted by Steve Revill Thu, 25 Jan 2007 22:43:00 GMT
RISC OS Open are pleased to announce that we are taking over management and development of the Castle C/C++ tools suite and making them available for purchase for 50 GBP plus VAT. This represents a 70% discount over the existing list price.
Once the transfer is complete, you will be able to purchase the tools from this site. Until that time, you should go to the IYONIX Ltd site (click on Products and then List all products).
About the C/C++ Tools Suite
The sources to RISC OS, which are soon to be published under the Shared Source scheme, have been developed over the years hand-in-hand with the tools suite. As such, it’s a must-have for anyone who wants to develop RISC OS components released under the scheme.
The tools suite includes the main C compiler itself, with ANSI C99 compatibility, a powerful ARM assembler, the linker and a C++ to C translator, amongst other tools.
Many of the sources use some of the unique features in the C/C++ tools suite, such as the powerful inline assembler in the C compiler and features in the assembler.
“just” :-/ Shame it’s not cheap enough. Still basically means to do anything with the RISC OS sources is going to cost me 50 quid that I don’t have.
I’m prepared to sponsor a few licences for capable developers. Contact me if you are interested.
What is the current version number for Norcroft? Is there ongoing development? What bug fixes have there been since 5.65? as I reported a couple of 64 bit inlining problems about 3 months ago. How does this relate to the supscription scheme Castle used to run?
The current version is (I think) 5.65. The last stuff in the log for it says 5.65 includes “bug fixes for long long error and code gen error”.
I’m afraid I don’t have the outstanding faults list for the compiler to hand (I’m sure we’ll get that as it’s all transfered). This is another thing which our bug tracker will be useful for.
Will there be an option for those already having a more or less out-dated version of Castle C/C++ to upgrade to the most current version?
Although I commend the reduction in price, I cannot help but feel it should be a lot cheaper. I understand overheads etc have implications for any business, but 50 odd quid to me is a lot of cash for occassional hobby. Living outside the UK (NZ), the conversion makes it very pricey still.
Strongly advocates – cost of production and minimal overheads only for pricing :) just to encoruage software development.
In reply to Tim:
Don’t forget, we’re not talking about a small public domain application here – it’s a whole suite of applications which people have had to spend their own money both in acquiring and maintaining.
To put things into context, here are some other commercial packages for RISC OS:
WebGallery 30 MessengerPro 40 C/C++ tools 59 Photodesk 84 ProCad+ 88 DataPower2 99 EasiWriter Pro+ 99 Ovation Pro 150 ArtWorks 169(prices in GBP as found from a quick look around the web and I believe are all inclusive of VAT.)
Don’t forget there are also the GCC tools available for free but the three problems with that are:
1) a lot of the shared sources won’t build out-of-the-box with them so you’ll be making work for yourself
2) the GCC tools are significantly slower on native RISC OS hardware at building code
3) you’re not going to be sure you’ve produced a binary which works at least as well as the existing one because the two toolsets have different features and even bugs
In reply to Herbert:
Take a look at our latest news item
For the sake of future archives – the latest news article at the time of writing is this one.
Any news of when the transfer will be competed and the tool suite be available from ROOL?
Steffen, what are you looking at.
I’m a capable developer. Im currently working for a school and are custom developing a class room management system for them with a custom VNC viewer that allows the teacher to monitor their whole classroom. And block computers or users hooking into ISA server. Programmed in Delphi for GUI side and C++ dll’s for the ISA and other windows stuff.
I am a big fan of RISCOS, my father exclusively used Acorn A3000’s and in some of schools he taught in having moved from the BBC platform. I myself learnt about computers from the BBCs, A3000’s, A4100’s, a5000 he borrowed from school during summer holidays.
RiscOS was light years ahead of windows. Virus infects the oS. just turn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!