Pico now even smaller
Posted by Steve Revill Mon, 06 Apr 2015 17:02:00 GMT
First introduced to celebrate 50 years of BASIC last May, Pico is a tiny cut down version of RISC OS which runs on the Raspberry Pi which boots straight to the interpreter prompt and can be used on ordinary FAT format media.
As it predated the model B+ and mark 2 hardware it has previously only been available in large SD card format for the original model B.
Now, all that instant boot-into-BASIC goodness has been shrunk down to micro SD card size and enhanced to work on the more recent versions of the Pi. You can order a copy through the store or bag a 10% discount when ordering a class pack for groups of 10 or more.
Users have been finding all kinds of ways to make use of this non desktop version for embedded control of anything from a robot
arm to central heating systems.
What are you using Pico for?