The South East Show 2008 on Saturday 18th October 2008 at Guildford Technical College saw ROOL release its first test ROM image.
The ROM image poster
To open the show, Ben bursts into song…
…While Andrew tries to sing lyrics from RISC OS Now
Steve finds his centre of calm
When the eyes turn red, an attack is imminent
Cover colours from RISC OS Now
John practices origami with Qercus
Hardware engineering skills at work
Busy show stands for some…
…Missing in action for others!
Dramatic action shot thanks to the ARM Club
Despite using his very best joke, Martin fails to amuse his latest customer
“And I’m telling you, it was this big!”
Disappointment as the music stops and the final chair is removed
The keyboard looks suspicious… We’d better keep watching it…
Paul and his amazing “red-eye moves to jumper” trick
Alternative entertainment