#!/bin/perl #------------------------------------------------------- # Save the click done on managed hits into a trace file # and return to browser a redirector to tell browser to visit this URL. # Ex: XXX # Where ABCDEFGH is md5(YOURKEYFORMD5.url) #------------------------------------------------------- #use DBD::mysql; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); #------------------------------------------------------- # Defines #------------------------------------------------------- use vars qw/ $REVISION $VERSION /; $REVISION='$Revision: 1.12 $'; $REVISION =~ /\s(.*)\s/; $REVISION=$1; $VERSION="1.2 (build $REVISION)"; use vars qw / $DIR $PROG $Extension $DEBUG $DEBUGFILE $REPLOG $DEBUGRESET $SITE $REPCONF /; ($DIR=$0) =~ s/([^\/\\]*)$//; ($PROG=$1) =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$//; $Extension=$1; $DEBUG=0; # Debug level $DEBUGFILE="$PROG.log"; # Debug output (A log file name or "screen" to have debug on screen) $REPLOG="$DIR"; # Debug directory $TRACEBASE=0; # Set to 1 to track click on links that point to extern site into a database $TRACEFILE=0; # Set to 1 to track click on links that point to extern site into a file $TXTDIR="$DIR/../../../logs"; # Directory where to write tracking file (if TRACEFILE=1) $TXTFILE="awredir.trc"; # Tracking file (if TRACEFILE=1) $EXCLUDEIP=""; # Put here a personalised value. # If you dont want to use the security key in link to avoid use of awredir by an external web # site you can set this to empty string, but warning this is a security hole as everybody # can use awredir on your site to redirect to any web site (even non legal web sites). $KEYFORMD5='YOURKEYFORMD5'; #------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #------------------------------------------------------- sub error { print "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "

\n"; print "AWRedir
\n\n"; print "$_[0].

\n"; print "Setup (setup or logfile permissions) may be wrong.\n"; $date=localtime(); print "

$date - Advanced Web Redirector $VERSION
\n"; print "
\n"; print ""; print ""; die; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: Decode an URL encoded string # Parameters: stringtodecode # Input: None # Output: None # Return: decodedstring #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub DecodeEncodedString { my $stringtodecode=shift; $stringtodecode =~ s/\+/ /g; $stringtodecode =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; # Decode encoded URL return $stringtodecode; } #------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN #------------------------------------------------------- if ($DEBUG) { open(LOGFILE,">$REPLOG/$PROG.log"); print LOGFILE "----- $PROG $VERSION -----\n"; } if (! $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}) { # Run from command line print "----- $PROG $VERSION (c) Laurent Destailleur -----\n"; print "This script is absolutely not required to use AWStats.\n"; print "It's a third tool that can help webmaster in their tracking tasks but is\n"; print "not used by AWStats engine.\n"; print "\n"; print "This tools must be used as a CGI script. When called as a CGI, it returns to\n"; print "browser a redirector to tell it to show the page provided in 'url' parameter.\n"; print "So, to use this script, you must replace HTML code for external links onto your\n"; print "HTML pages from\n"; print "Link\n"; print "to\n"; print "Link\n"; print "\n"; print "For your web visitor, there is no difference. However this allow you to track\n"; print "clicks done on links onto your web pages that point to external web sites,\n"; print "because an entry will be seen in your own server log, to awredir.pl script\n"; print "with url parameter, even if link was pointing to another external web server.\n"; print "\n"; sleep 2; exit 0; } if ($KEYFORMD5 eq 'YOURKEYFORMD5') { error("Error: You must change value of constant KEYFORMD5 in awredir.pl script."); } # Extract tag $Tag='NOTAG'; if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /tag=\"?([^\"&]+)\"?/) { $Tag=$1; } $Key='NOKEY'; if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /key=\"?([^\"&]+)\"?/) { $Key=$1; } # Extract url to redirect to $Url=$ENV{QUERY_STRING}; if ($Url =~ /url=\"([^\"]+)\"/) { $Url=$1; } elsif ($Url =~ /url=(.+)$/) { $Url=$1; } $Url = DecodeEncodedString($Url); $UrlParam=$Url; if (! $UrlParam) { error("Error: Bad use of $PROG. To redirect an URL with $PROG, use the following syntax:
/cgi-bin/$PROG.pl?url=http://urltogo"); } if ($Url !~ /^http/i) { $Url = "http://".$Url; } if ($DEBUG) { print LOGFILE "Url=$Url\n"; } if ($KEYFORMD5 && ($Key ne md5_hex($KEYFORMD5.$UrlParam))) { # error("Error: Bad value for parameter key=".$Key." to allow a redirect to ".$UrlParam." - ".$KEYFORMD5." - ".md5_hex($KEYFORMD5.$UrlParam) ); error("Error: Bad value for parameter key=".$Key." to allow a redirect to ".$UrlParam.". Key must be hexadecimal md5(KEYFORMD5.".$UrlParam.") where KEYFORMD5 is value hardcoded into awredir.pl. Note: You can remove use of key by setting KEYFORMD5 to empty string in script awredir.pl"); } # Get date ($nowsec,$nowmin,$nowhour,$nowday,$nowmonth,$nowyear,$nowwday,$nowyday,$nowisdst) = localtime(time); if ($nowyear < 100) { $nowyear+=2000; } else { $nowyear+=1900; } $nowsmallyear=$nowyear;$nowsmallyear =~ s/^..//; if (++$nowmonth < 10) { $nowmonth = "0$nowmonth"; } if ($nowday < 10) { $nowday = "0$nowday"; } if ($nowhour < 10) { $nowhour = "0$nowhour"; } if ($nowmin < 10) { $nowmin = "0$nowmin"; } if ($nowsec < 10) { $nowsec = "0$nowsec"; } if ($TRACEBASE == 1) { if ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} !~ /$EXCLUDEIP/) { if ($DEBUG == 1) { print LOGFILE "Execution requete Update sur BASE=$BASE, USER=$USER, PASS=$PASS\n"; } my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$BASE", $USER, $PASS) || die "Can't connect to DBI:mysql:$BASE: $dbh->errstr\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE T_LINKS set HITS_LINKS = HIT_LINKS+1 where URL_LINKS = '$Url'"); $sth->execute || error("Error: Unable execute query:$dbh->err, $dbh->errstr"); $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; if ($DEBUG == 1) { print LOGFILE "Execution requete Update - OK\n"; } } } if ($TRACEFILE == 1) { if ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} !~ /$EXCLUDEIP/) { open(FICHIER,">>$TXTDIR/$TXTFILE") || error("Error: Enable to open trace file $TXTDIR/$TXTFILE: $!"); print FICHIER "$nowyear-$nowmonth-$nowday $nowhour:$nowmin:$nowsec\t$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}\t$Tag\t$Url\n"; close(FICHIER); } } # Redir html instructions print "Location: $Url\n\n"; if ($DEBUG) { print LOGFILE "Redirect to $Url\n"; close(LOGFILE); } 0;