# Configuration file for CVSHistory -*- python -*- # # The location(s) of your history file(s). The keys here match to the # cvsroot given in the query string. '' is the default to use when # no cvsroot is explicitly asked. # HISTORY = { '': "/home/rool/cvsroot/CVSROOT/history", } # # Integration mode: INT_NONE/INT_VIEWCVS/INT_CVSWEB. # INTEGRATION = INT_CVSWEB # # The URL to your ViewCVS or CVSweb script, relative to the URL of CVSHistory. # SCRIPTPATH = "/viewer/view" # # Time format: USTIME/WORLDTIME, for "3:42PM, June 14, 2007": # WORLDTIME: 14-06-2007 15:42 # USTIME: 06-14-2007 15:42 # ISOTIME: 2007-06-14 15:42 # Or you can define a format of your own here, using the strftime syntax. # TIMEFORMAT = ISOTIME # # How many entries to show per page. # PERPAGE = 50 # # Performance option. # MODE_SLOW allows sorting and definite paging: # "Showing 100-120 of 423 (Previous 20) (Next 20)" # MODE_FAST uses *far* less memory, and is usually # significantly quicker, but offers no sorting and unbounded paging: # "Showing 100-120 (Newer) (Older)" # For busy servers, fast mode is the only real option # PERFORMANCE = MODE_FAST # # How many days in history should we take care of? # Putting a conservative value here on a very busy server # will speed things up quite a bit in MODE_FAST. It won't # affect MODE_SLOW at all! # Note: 0 means no limit. # LIMITDAYS = 0 # name and email address of site administrator # Example: "admin@someserver.com (The Admin)" SITE_ADMIN = "webmaster@riscosopen.org" # the domain where the author's email addresses are # This is used to build email addresses for the author item of the RSS feed, # if there is no such domain then either use a fake one or leave empty. # If left empty then no author field is added to the feed. # Example: "someserver.com" will generate this author field: # "someuser@someserver.com (someuser)" AUTHOR_EMAIL_DOMAIN = "cvs" # (sic. - I want 'person@cvs' fake addresses) # PUBLIC_SERVER - is this a server visible from the internet? # or does it require auth of some kind? Used for RSS feeds. PUBLIC_SERVER = 1