/* There are 15 CSS tags generated by cvslog2web output. * These classes are used by the recent update "index" page (HTMLOUT): * cvslog2web_index -- the root div on the recent update "index" page * cvslog2web_title -- div for the first line, holds title text and authors * * These classes are used by the permalink pages: * cvslog2web_permalink -- the root div on a permalink page * cvslog2web_timestamp -- div holds commit timestamp * cvslog2web_feedlink -- div around the feed link images * cvslog2web_nav_prev[_disabled] -- navigation buttons * cvslog2web_nav_next[_disabled] * * These classes are used by both pages: * cvslog2web_entry -- each log entry is wrapped in a separate entry div (only one entry per permalink page) * cvslog2web_message -- div holds the commit log message, span if used in title * cvslog2web_filelist -- div around list of modified files * cvslog2web_filestatus -- span around the status flag (add/mod/del) * cvslog2web_credit -- div with the generator tag line * cvslog2web_authors -- div on permalink, span on index, holds committer info */ /* use a small sans-serif on the recent updates page */ div.cvslog2web_index { border-top:1px solid #888; font-size:67%; font-family:sans-serif; } /* leave a margin above the permalink page */ div.cvslog2web_permalink { border-top:1px solid #888; margin-top:3ex; } /* both use undecorated links, with a hover */ div.cvslog2web_index a, div.cvslog2web_permalink a { text-decoration:none; color:#008; } div.cvslog2web_index a:hover, div.cvslog2web_permalink a:hover { background:#DDF } /* jazz up each entry, with some borders to separate them */ div.cvslog2web_entry { background:#F2F2F2; border-bottom:1px solid #888; padding: 0em 2% 1em 2%; } /* title effects for index page: the whole title is a link, but we only * want the message portion to be blue, not the prefix ("Commit:") */ div.cvslog2web_title { font-weight: bold; padding-top: .5em; background:#E0E0FF; margin:0 -2%; padding:.35ex 2%; } div.cvslog2web_title a { color:#000 } a span.cvslog2web_message { color:#008 } span.cvslog2web_authors { font-weight: normal; } div.cvslog2web_message { clear:both; } div.cvslog2web_filelist { clear:both; padding-top:1em; font-size:90%; } span.cvslog2web_filestatus { font-family:sans-serif; } /* put some space between each line of the message and file list */ div.cvslog2web_message p { padding:.25em 0; margin:0; } div.cvslog2web_filelist p { padding:.15em 0; margin:0; } div.cvslog2web_permalink div.cvslog2web_filelist { font-size:80%; font-family:"Andale mono", "Monotype.com", "Monaco", monospace; } div.cvslog2web_permalink span.cvslog2web_filestatus { font-size:90%; font-weight:bold; padding:0 1ex; } div.cvslog2web_title + div.cvslog2web_filelist { padding-top:.25em; } div.cvslog2web_feedlink { margin-top:9px; float:right; clear:both; } div.cvslog2web_feedlink a:hover { background: none; } div.cvslog2web_credit { clear:both; text-align:right; font-size:85%; padding-right:1%; } /* The rest of these provide layout for the permalink page */ div.cvslog2web_entry h1 { text-align:center; padding:1em; margin:0; font-size:100% } div.cvslog2web_entry img { border:0; } div.cvslog2web_permalink div.cvslog2web_message { margin-top:4em; margin-bottom:1ex;} div.cvslog2web_timestamp, div.cvslog2web_authors { width:42%; background:#CCD; margin: 0 0 .5em 0; padding:.5em 1%; border:0; } div.cvslog2web_timestamp { clear:both; position:absolute; left:1%; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; } div.cvslog2web_authors { position:absolute; right:1%; text-align:right; } /*div.cvslog2web_nav_prev:before, div.cvslog2web_nav_prev_disabled:before { content:"PREV" } div.cvslog2web_nav_next:after, div.cvslog2web_nav_next_disabled:after { content:"NEXT" }*/ div.cvslog2web_nav_prev, div.cvslog2web_nav_prev_disabled { right:50%; text-align:right; } div.cvslog2web_nav_next, div.cvslog2web_nav_next_disabled { left:50%; text-align:left; } div.cvslog2web_nav_prev { /*cursor:w-resize;*/ cursor:pointer; background-image: url("nav_prev.gif"); background-position:0%; } div.cvslog2web_nav_next { /*cursor:e-resize;*/ cursor:pointer; background-image: url("nav_next.gif"); background-position:100%; } div.cvslog2web_nav_prev, div.cvslog2web_nav_next { background-color:#FFD; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #000; color:#008; } div.cvslog2web_nav_prev:hover, div.cvslog2web_nav_next:hover { background-color:#FCC; border: 1px solid #00F; } div.cvslog2web_nav_prev:active, div.cvslog2web_nav_next:active { background-color:#CCF; border: 1px solid #F00; } div.cvslog2web_nav_prev, div.cvslog2web_nav_next, div.cvslog2web_nav_prev_disabled, div.cvslog2web_nav_next_disabled { width:10ex; font-size:75%; margin-top:.75ex; padding:.4em 1%; position:absolute; z-index:10; /*top:0px;*/ } div.cvslog2web_nav_prev_disabled, div.cvslog2web_nav_next_disabled { background-color:#E8E8E8; border:1px solid #000; color:#888; }