class UsersController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_user, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy, :admin] @@hubssolib_permissions ={ :index => [ :admin, :webmaster ], :show => [ :admin, :webmaster, :privileged, :normal ], # Never use these. :new => [ :admin ], :create => [ :admin ], :edit => [ :admin ], :update => [ :admin ], :activate => [ :admin ], :admin => [ :admin ], :destroy => [ :admin ], }) def UsersController.hubssolib_permissions @@hubssolib_permissions end def index respond_to do |format| format.html do @user_pages, @users = paginate(:users, :per_page => 50, :order => "display_name", :conditions => User.build_search_conditions(params[:q])) @user_count = User.count @active = User.count(:all, :conditions => "posts_count > 0") end format.xml do @users =[:q], :limit => 25) render :xml => @users.to_xml end end end def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html format.xml { render :xml => @user.to_xml } end end def new @user = end def create respond_to do |format| format.html do @user = params[:user].blank? ? User.find_by_email(params[:email]) :[:user]) flash[:error] = "I could not find an account with the email address '#{CGI.escapeHTML params[:email]}'. Did you type it correctly?" if params[:email] and not @user redirect_to login_path and return unless @user @user.login = params[:user][:login] unless params[:user].blank? @user.reset_login_key! UserMailer.deliver_signup(@user, request.host_with_port) flash[:notice] = "#{params[:user].blank? ? "An account activation" : "A temporary login"} email has been sent to '#{CGI.escapeHTML}'." redirect_to login_path end end end def activate respond_to do |format| format.html do self.current_user = User.find_by_login_key(params[:key]) if logged_in? && !current_user.activated? current_user.toggle! :activated flash[:notice] = "Signup complete!" end redirect_to home_path end end end def update @user.attributes = params[:user] # temp fix to let people with dumb usernames change them @user.login = params[:user][:login] if not @user.valid? and @user.errors.on(:login)! and flash[:notice]="Your settings have been saved." respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_user_path(@user) } format.xml { head 200 } end end def admin respond_to do |format| format.html do @user.admin = params[:user][:admin] == '1' @user.forums << Forum.find(params[:moderator]) unless params[:moderator].blank? || params[:moderator] == '-' redirect_to user_path(@user) end end end def destroy @user.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to users_path } format.xml { head 200 } end end protected def authorized? admin? || (!%w(destroy admin).include?(action_name) && (params[:id].nil? || params[:id] == end def find_user @user = params[:id] ? User.find_by_id(params[:id]) : current_user end end