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<%= feed_icon_tag @forum.name, formatted_forum_posts_path(@forum, :rss) %> <%= pluralize @forum.topics_count, 'topic' %>, <%= pluralize @forum.posts_count, 'post' %>

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<% icon = "comment" color = "" if topic.locked? icon = "lock" post = ", this topic is locked." color = "darkgrey" end %> <% if recent_topic_activity(topic) %> <%= image_tag "clearbits/#{icon}.gif", :class => "icon green", :title => "Recent activity#{post}" %> <% else %> <%= image_tag "clearbits/#{icon}.gif", :class => "icon grey #{color}", :title => "No recent activity#{post}" %> <% end %> <%= "Sticky: " if topic.sticky? %> <%= link_to h(topic.title), topic_path(@forum, topic), :class => "entry-title", :rel => "bookmark" %> <%= "" if topic.sticky? %> <% if topic.paged? -%> <%= link_to 'last', topic_path(:forum_id => @forum, :id => topic, :page => topic.last_page) %> <% end -%> <%= topic.posts_count-1 %> <%= number_with_delimiter(topic.views) %> <%= time_ago_in_words(topic.replied_at) %> by <%= h(topic.replied_by_user.blank? ? 'Unknown' : topic.replied_by_user.display_name) %> <%= link_to 'view', topic_path(:forum_id => @forum, :id => topic, :page => topic.last_page, :anchor => "posts-#{topic.last_post_id}") %>

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