Edit Post

<%= link_to h(@post.topic.title), topic_path(@post.forum_id, @post.topic) %>

<%= error_messages_for :topic %> <% form_for(:post, { :html => { :method => :put }, :url => post_path(:forum_id => params[:forum_id], :topic_id => params[:topic_id], :id => @post) } ) do |f| -%>

<%= f.text_area :body %>

<%= apphelp_pagination_fields() %> <%= submit_tag 'Save' %>, <%= link_to 'cancel', topic_path(:forum_id => params[:forum_id], :id => params[:topic_id], :page => params[:page], :posts_per_page => params[:posts_per_page]) %>,

<% end -%> <% form_for(:post, { :html => { :method => :delete, :onsubmit => "return confirm('Are you sure you want to permanently delete this post?');" }, :url => post_path(:forum_id => params[:forum_id], :topic_id => params[:topic_id], :id => @post) } ) do |f| -%>

<%= apphelp_pagination_fields() %> or <%= submit_tag('Delete post forever') %>

<% end -%>

Formatting Help
See also the Textile reference here. Don't worry about making mistakes - after adding a reply, you can edit your message as many times as you like.