<% @page_title = "Posts that #{h @user.display_name} is monitoring" -%> <% content_for :right do %>

<%= link_to @user.display_name, user_path(@user) %>'s Monitored Topics

<% end -%>

<%= @page_title %>

<%= feed_icon_tag @page_title, formatted_monitored_posts_path(:user_id => @user, :format => 'rss') %> <%= pluralize(@post_pages.item_count,"post") %> found

<% if @post_pages.page_count > 1 -%>

Pages: <%= pagination_links @post_pages, :window_size => 10, :params => params %>

<% end -%> <% for post in @posts do %> <% unless post == @posts.first %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% if post.created_at > Time.now.utc-24.hours%> <%= time_ago_in_words(post.created_at).sub(/about /, '') %> ago <% else %> <%= post.created_at.strftime("%b %e, %Y")%> <% end %>
<%= avatar_for post.user %> <%= link_to h(post.user.display_name), user_path(post.user), :class => (post.user == @posts.first.user ? "admin" : nil) %> <%= pluralize post.user.posts_count, 'post' %>

Topic: <%= link_to h(post.topic_title), topic_path(post.forum_id, post.topic_id) %>

<%= post.body_html %>
<% if @post_pages and @post_pages.current.next %>

<%= link_to "Next page", { :page => @post_pages.current.next }.merge(params.reject{|k,v| k=="page"}) %>

<% end %> <% if @post_pages.page_count > 1 -%>

Pages: <%= pagination_links @post_pages, :window_size => 10, :params => params %>

<% end -%>