
<% form_tag sessions_path do -%>

<%= text_field_tag :login, params[:login] %>

<%= password_field_tag :password %>

<%= submit_tag 'Login', :or => link_to_function('reset password', "$('reset-password').toggle();") %>

<% end -%> <% form_tag users_path, :id => 'reset-password', :style => 'display:none' do -%>
Reset Password

Enter your email, and a brand new login key will be sent to you. Click the link in the email to log in, and then change your password.

<%= text_field_tag :email, "", :size => 30 %>
<%= submit_tag "E-mail me the link", :or => link_to_function('cancel', "$('reset-password').hide()") %>

<% end -%> <%= javascript_tag "$('login').focus();"%>